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                   FROM BASIC TO MASTER LEVEL

Thursday 30 December 2021


1.  Work means-

(a) effort

(b) interview

(c) achievement

(d) get-together


ANS: achievement


2.  Work is done on a body when-

(a) force acts on the body but the body is not displaced

(b) force does not act on the body but it is displaced

(c) force acts on the body in a direction perpendicular to the direction of the displacement of the body

(d) force acts on the body and body is either displaced in the direction of force or opposite to the direction of force


ANS: force acts on the body and body is either displaced in the direction of force or opposite to the direction of force


3.  When a horse pulls a cart, who does the work?

(a) cart

(b) wheels

(c) road

(d) horse


ANS: horse


4.  Work done is measured by-

(a) dot product of mass & velocity

(b) dot product of mass & acceleration

(c) dot product of force & displacement

(d) dot product of force & time


ANS: dot product of force & displacement

5.  A body is acted upon by a force which is proportional to the distance covered. If distance covered be denoted by S, then work done by the force will be proportional to-

(a) S

(b) S2

(c) S3/2

(d) S2/3




6.  A body is acted upon by a force which is inversely proportional to the distance covered (S). The work done will be proportional to-

(a) S

(b) S2

(c) S3/2

(d) None of these


ANS: None of these

7.  The work done on an object does not depend upon the-

(a) displacement

(b) force applied

(c) angle between force and displacement

(d) initial velocity of the object


ANS: initial velocity of the object


8.  Work done upon a body is-

(a) a vector quantity

(b) a scalar quantity

(c) both (a) and (b)

(d) none of these


ANS: a scalar quantity


9.  Force F acts on a body such that force F makes an angle θ with the horizontal direction and the body is also displaced through a distance S in the horizontal direction, then the work done by the force is-

(a) FS

(b) FS cos θ

(c) FS sin θ

(d) Zero


ANS: FS cos θ


10.  If force and displacement of the particle (in direction of force) are doubled. Work should be-

(a) doubled

(b) 4 times

(c) halved

(d) ¼ times


ANS: 4 times


11.  Work done-

(a) is always positive

(b) is always negative

(c) can be positive, negative or zero

(d) none of these


ANS: can be positive, negative or zero


12.  If the force applied on a body displaces it in the same direction, then work done on the body by the applied force is-

(a) negative

(b) positive

(c) zero

(d) can be positive or negative


ANS: positive


13.  When a force accelerates the motion of a body, the work done is-

(a) positive

(b) negative

(c) zero

(d) undefined


ANS: positive


14.  If the force applied on a body displaces it in the opposite direction, then work done on the body by the applied force is-

(a) negative

(b) positive

(c) zero

(d) can be positive or negative


ANS: negative


15.  Work done by friction-

(a) accelerates the motion of a body

(b) retards the motion of a body

(c) has no impact on the motion of a body

(d) sometimes accelerates and sometimes retards the motion of the body


ANS: retards the motion of a body


16.  When a force retards the motion of a body, the work done is-

(a) positive

(b) negative

(c) zero

(d) undefined


ANS: negative


17.  In tug of war, work done by winning team is-

(a) zero

(b) positive

(c) negative

(d) none of these


ANS: positive


18.  In tug of war, work done by losing team is-

(a) zero

(b) positive

(c) negative

(d) none of these


ANS: negative


19.  Work done by the force of gravity, when a body is lifted to height H above the ground is-

(a) zero

(b) positive

(c) negative

(d) none of these


ANS: negative

20.  In case of negative work the angle between the force and displacement is-

(a) 00

(b) 600

(c) 900

(d) 1800


ANS: 1800

21.  If the angle between force and displacement is θ, then for what value of θ, the work done is maximum?

(a) 00

(b) 600

(c) 900

(d) 1800


ANS: 00

22.  A rocket rises upwards in the air due to the force generated by the fuel. The work done by the-

(a) fuel is negative and that by force of gravity is positive

(b) fuel is positive and that by force of gravity is negative

(c) both fuel and force of gravity do positive work

(d) both fuel and force of gravity do negative work


ANS: fuel is positive and that by force of gravity is negative


23.  A child on a skateboard is moving at a speed of 2 m/s. After a force acts on the child, her speed is 3 m/s. What can you say about the work done by the external force on the child?

(a) positive work was done 

(b) negative work was done

(c) zero work was done

(d) infinite work was done


ANS: positive work was done


24.  Rohan applied 10 N force over 3 m in 10 seconds. Soham applied the same force over the same distance in 1 minute. Who did more work?

(a) both did the same work

(b) both did zero work

(c) Rohan

(d) Soham


ANS: both did the same work


25.  Work done by tension in the string when a ball tied to a string is being whirled around in a circle is-

(a) negative work

(b) positive work

(c) zero work

(d) tension does no work at all


ANS: tension does no work at all

26.  No work is done when-

(a) a nail is plugged into a wooden board

(b) a box is pushed along a horizontal floor

(c) there is no component of force parallel to the direction of motion

(d) there is no component of force normal to the direction of motion


ANS: there is no component of force parallel to the direction of motion


27.  A man carrying a bucket of water and walking on a rough level road with a uniform velocity does no work while carrying the bucket. Which of the following statements gives the correct reason for this?

(a) The displacement of the bucket is zero

(b) There is no force acting on the bucket

(c) The displacement of the bucket is in the direction of force applied

(d) There is no displacement in the direction of the force applied


ANS: there is no displacement in the direction of the force applied

28.  If the angle between force and displacement is θ, then for what value of θ is work done zero?

(a) 600

(b) 450

(c) 1800

(d) 900


ANS: 900 

29.  The work done is zero if-

(a) the body shows displacement in the direction of the applied force

(b) the body shows displacement in the opposite direction of the applied force

(c) the body shows displacement in perpendicular direction to the applied force

(d) the body shows displacement obliquely to direction of the applied force


ANS: the body shows displacement in perpendicular direction to the applied force


30.  A coolie is carrying a heavy luggage from one platform to the other of a Railway station but still according to the logics of science, he has done zero work. Which of the following gives the correct reason?

(a) the force acting along the direction of displacement of luggage

(b) the force is acting perpendicular to the direction of displacement of luggage

(c) the force is acting opposite to the direction of displacement of luggage

(d) none of these


ANS: the force is acting perpendicular to the direction of displacement of luggage

31.  A coolie lifts a suitcase and walks from the platform to an overhead bridge. The work done by the coolie is-

(a) zero

(b) positive

(c) negative

(d) incomplete information


ANS: positive

32.  When the force applied and the displacement produced in the body are inclined at 900 with each other, then the work done is-

(a) maximum

(b) minimum

(c) zero

(d) infinite


ANS: zero


33.  A centripetal force acts -

(a) radially inwards

(b) radially outwards

(c) tangentially

(d) axially


ANS: radially inwards

34.  When a body is revolving around another body in a circular orbit, then the work done is zero because-

(a) centripetal force acts in the direction of motion of the revolving object

(b) centripetal force acts along the radius of the circular path and is perpendicular to the direction of motion of the revolving object

(c) centrifugal force acts in the direction of motion of the revolving object

(d) centrifugal force acts along the radius of the circular path and is perpendicular to the direction of motion of the revolving object


ANS: centripetal force acts along the radius of the circular path and is perpendicular to the direction of motion of the revolving object


35.  Work done by centripetal force is-

(a) zero

(b) > zero

(c) < zero

(d) = 1


ANS: zero


36.  The work done by the gravitational force of Earth on a satellite along a circular path is-

(a) positive

(b) negative

(c) zero

(d) cannot be determined


ANS: Zero


37.  A load is carried through a distance of 5 m in the following different ways. In which case the work done is maximum?

(a) pushed over an inclined plane

(b) lifted vertically upward

(c) pushed over smooth rollers

(d) pushed over a wedge


ANS: Lifted vertically upward


38.  A load is carried through a distance of 5 m in the following different ways. In which case the work done is minimum?

(a) pushed over an inclined plane

(b) liften vertically upward

(c) pushed over smooth rollers

(d) pushed over a wedge


ANS: pushed over smooth rollers

39.  On a rough surface a mass is (i) pulled, (ii) pushed by a force acting at angle with the surface.

(a) Pulling is easier

(b) pushing is easier

(c) pushing and pulling both are easier

(d) pushing and pulling are not easier


ANS: pulling is easier 

40.  If a graph is plotted between force and displacement, then the area under the graph will give us the-

(a) power

(b) momentum

(c) velocity

(d) work done


ANS: work done

41.  In a Force-displacement graph, work done by a body is given by-

(a) area under the curve

(b) slope of the curve

(c) line parallel to the displacement axis

(d) line parallel to the force axis


ANS: area under the curve

42.  Newton-metre is the unit of-

(a) power

(b) work

(c) momentum

(d) gravitational intensity


ANS: work


43.  kg.m2.s-2 is associated with-

(a) work done

(b) force

(c) momentum

(d) impulse


ANS: work done


44.  Joule is the unit of-

(a) power

(b) work

(c) momentum

(d) force


ANS: work


45.  1 joule of work is said to be done when-

(a) a force of 1 N displaces a body by 1 cm

(b) a force of 1 N displaces a body by 1 m

(c) a force of 1 dyne displaces a body by 1 m

(d) a force of 1 dyne displaces a body by 1 cm


ANS: a force of 1 N displaces a body by 1 m


46.  The CGS unit of work done is-

(a) newton-metre

(b) joule

(c) erg

(d) dyne


ANS: erg


47.  1 erg of work is said to be done when-

(a) a force of 1 N displaces a body by 1 cm

(b) a force of 1 N displaces a body by 1 m

(c) a force of 1 dyne displaces a body by 1 m

(d) a force of 1 dyne displaces a body by 1 cm


ANS: a force of 1 dyne displaces a body by 1 cm

48.  Choose the correct relation-

(a) 1 J = 105 erg

(b) 1 J = 107 erg

(c) 1 J = 103 erg

(d) None of these


ANS: 1 J = 107 erg 

49.  Which of the following statements is/are true about work done?

     (i) Work done by a force is always positive

     (ii) SI unit of work is joule

     (iii) Work has both magnitude and direction

     (iv) work is said to be done if an object is displaced when a force acts on it


(a) (i) and (ii)

(b) (ii) and (iii)

(c) (ii) and (iv)

(d) (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv)


ANS: (ii) and (iv)

50.  Identify the correct statement about work.

(a) Unit of work is Newton-metre

(b) The SI unit of work is Joule

(c) Work done is a scalar quantity

(d) All of these


ANS: All of these 

51.  A pair of bullocks exert a force of 1500 N on a plough. The field being ploughed is 20 m long. The work done in ploughing the given length of the field will be-

(a) 21000 J

(b) 30000 J

(c) 45000 J

(d) 3000 J


ANS: 30000 J


52.  If 10 N of force is applied to an object, but the object does not move, then how much work being done by the force?

(a) Zero

(b) 10 J

(c) 10 N

(d) 20 J


ANS: Zero


53.  A body is under the action of the equal and opposite forces, each of 5 N. The body is displaced by 2 m. The work done is-

(a) + 10 J

(b) – 10 J

(c) Zero

(d) 25 J


ANS: zero (because here the net force acting on the body is zero)

54.  A girl is carrying a school bag of 2 kg mass on her back and moves 300 m on a levelled road. The work done against the gravitational force is (g=10 m/s-2)

(a) 6 x 103 J

(b) -6 x 103 J

(c) 6 x 10-3 J

(d) zero


ANS: zero (as the direction of displacement and force of gravity are perpendicular)


55.  A person pulls a body on a horizontal surface by applying a force of 5.0 N. Find the work done by this force in displacing the body through 2.0 m.

(a) 10 J

(b) 15 J

(c) Zero

(d) 5 J


ANS: 10 J


56.  Work done in moving a 50 kg block through a distance of 10 m by applying a force of 100 N which makes an angle of 600 with the horizontal is-

(a) 300 Joule

(b) 400 Joule

(c) 500 Joule

(d) 1000 Joule


ANS: 500 Joule

(W = FS Cos 600= ½ x100x10 = 500 J)


57.  The work done by a weight of 1 kg mass when it moves up through 1 m is-

(a) 10 J

(b) -10 J

(c) 0.1 J

(d) -0.1 J


ANS: -10 J


58.  A coolie lifts a luggage of 10 kg from the ground and put it on his head 1.8 m above the ground. The work done by him on the luggage is-

(a) 180 J

(b) 220 J

(c) 100 J

(d) 480 J


ANS: 180 J


59.  A student carries a bag weighing 5 kg from the ground floor to his class on the first floor that is 2 m high. The work done by the boy is-

(a) 1 J

(b) 10 J

(c) 100 J

(d) 1000 J


ANS: 100 J


60.  A ball of mass 1 kg thrown upwards reaches a maximum height of 5.0 m. Calculate the work done by the force of gravity during this vertical displacement.

(a) -49 J

(b) 49 J

(c) 5.0 N

(d) -5.0 N


ANS: -49 J

61.  In which of the following cases the work done is maximum?


ANS: (iii)


62.  Four forces of equal magnitude are acting on an object as shown in figure. Which of the following forces does the least work?

(a) P

(b) Q

(c) R

(d) S



63.  A body starts from rest and acquires a velocity v in time T. The work done on the body in time t will be proportional to-

(a) vt /T

(b) v2t /T

(c) v2t /T2

(d) v2t2 /T2


ANS: v2t2 /T2