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Showing posts with label STD-IX. Show all posts
Showing posts with label STD-IX. Show all posts

Saturday 8 January 2022


1.  ______ is defined as the rate of doing work.

(a) Energy

(b) Power

(c) Force

(d) Current


ANS: Power


2.  Power is defined as-

(a) work done per unit time

(b) mass per unit volume

(c) energy consumed per unit time

(d) both (a) and (c)


ANS: work done per unit time


3.  If work is done at a faster rate, then-

(a) power is more

(b) power is less

(c) power is not required to do the work

(d) infinite power is required


ANS: power is more


4.  Two persons A and B do equal work. They will have equal power if-

(a) time taken by A to do the work is more than the time taken by B

(b) time taken by A to do the work is less than the time taken by B

(c) time taken by both is equal

(d) power is independent of the time taken to do the work


ANS: time taken by both is equal


5.  A person X does 500 J of work in 10 minutes and another person Y does 600 J of work in 20 minutes. Let the power delivered by X and Y be PX and PY respectively. Then,

(a) PX = PY

(b) PX > PY

(c) PX < PY

(d) None of these




6.  The ratio of change in the kinetic energy of a body to the time taken by the body for the change in energy is equal to the-

(a) pressure applied by the body

(b) work done on the body

(c) energy stored in the body

(d) power expended by the body


ANS: power expended by the body


7.  Which one of the following is not the unit of energy?

(a) joule

(b) newton metre

(c) watt

(d) kilowatt hour


ANS: watt


8.  SI unit of power is-

(a) watt

(b) joule

(c) newton

(d) metre


ANS: watt


9.  The practical unit of power is-

(a) kilowatt

(b) watt

(c) horse power

(d) kilowatt-hour


ANS: horse power


10.  Two army persons A and B each of weight 500 N climb up a rope through a height of 10 m. A takes 20 s while B takes 40 s to achieve this task. What is the ratio of powers of person A and B?

(a) 1:2

(b) 1:4

(c) 2:1

(d) 1:2


ANS: 2:1


11.  A lamp consumes 1000 J of electrical energy in 10 seconds. What is its power?

(a) 100 W

(b) 100000 W

(c) 1000 W

(d) 10000 W


ANS: 100 W


12.  If a light bulb is switched on for 20 s and it consumes 2400 J of electrical energy then its power is-

(a) 120 W

(b) 70 W

(c) 80 W

(d) 90 W


ANS: 120 W



13.  An elevator is designed to lift a load of 1000 kg through 6 floors of a building averaging 3.5 m per floor in 6 seconds. Power of the elevator, neglecting other losses will be-

(a) 4.33 x 104 Watt

(b) 2.21 x 104 Watt

(c) 5.65 x 104 Watt

(d) 3.43 x 104 Watt


ANS: 3.43 x 104 Watt


14.  How much time will be required to perform 520 J of work at the rate of 20 W?

(a) 24 seconds

(b) 16 seconds

(c) 20 seconds

(d) 26 seconds


ANS: 26 seconds


15.  A machine performs 1820 J of work in 20 seconds. The power of machine is-

(a) 90 W

(b) 91 W

(c) 92 W

(d) 93 W


ANS: 91 W


16.  An electric heater of 1000 watt is switched on for 2 hours. The electric energy consumed by the heater is-

(a) 7200 J

(b) 7.2 x 106 J

(c) 7.2 x 107 J

(d) 72000 J


ANS: 7.2 x 106 J 

(E= Pt = 1000 watt x 2 hours = 1 kW x 2 hr = 2 kW-hour = 2 x 3.6 x 106 J = 7.2 x 106 J )


17.  An electric bulb of 60 W is used for 5 hours daily. The units of energy consumed by the bulb in one day are-

(a) 0.1

(b) 0.2

(c) 0.3

(d) 3


ANS: 0.3

(E= Pt = 60 watt x 5 hours = 0.06 kW x 5 hr = 0.3 kW-hour)



1.  The capacity of a body to do work is called-

(a) Energy

(b) Power

(c) Force

(d) Velocity


ANS: Energy


2.  Which is the renewable source of energy among the following-

(a) Coal

(b) Natural gas

(c) Sun

(d) Fossil fuels


ANS: Sun


3.  The unit of work is joule. The other physical quantity that has same unit is-

(a) power

(b) velocity

(c) energy

(d) force


ANS: energy


4.  1 Joule = ______ erg.

(a) 107

(b) 105

(c) 10-7

(d) 10-5


ANS: 107


5.  1 erg = _____ Joule.

(a) 107

(b) 105

(c) 10-7

(d) 10-5


ANS: 10-7


6.  1 J = ______ x 10 m

(a) 1 s

(b) 1 N

(c) 10-1 s

(d) 10-1 N


ANS: 10-1 N


7.  Which one of the following is not the unit of energy?

(a) joule

(b) newton metre

(c) kilowatt

(d) kilowatt hour


ANS: kilowatt


8.  Which one of the following is not the unit of energy?

(a) joule

(b) newton per metre

(c) electron-volt

(d) kilowatt hour


ANS: newton per metre

(electron-volt or eV is a unit of energy)


9.  1 MeV (Mega electron volt) is equal to-

(a) 1.6 x 1013 J

(b) 1.6 x 10-19 J

(c) 1.6 x 1019 J

(d) 1.6 x 10-13 J


ANS: 1.6 x 10-13 J


10.  The energy of a body due to its motion is called-

(a) gravitational energy

(b) static energy

(c) kinetic energy

(d) all of these


ANS: kinetic energy


11.  An object of mass ‘m’ moving with a velocity ‘v’ has a kinetic energy of-

(a)  ½ mv2

(b) mgh

(c) 2mv2

(d) 4mv2


ANS: ½ mv2


12.  Kinetic energy of a body depends-

(a) on its mass only

(b) on its velocity only

(c) on its mass as well as on its velocity

(d) neither on its mass nor on its velocity


ANS: on its mass as well as on its velocity


13.  The kinetic energy of an object is K. If its mass is reduced to half, then its kinetic energy will be-

(a) K

(b) K/2

(c) 2K

(d) K/4


ANS: K/2


14.  The kinetic energy of an object is K. If its velocity is doubled, then its kinetic energy will be-

(a) 2K

(b) K/2

(c) 4K

(d) K/4




15.  The kinetic energy of a body is increased most by doubling its-

(a) mass

(b) weight

(c) velocity

(d) density


ANS: velocity


16.  Kinetic energy of a body becomes double if-

(a) its mass and velocity are doubled

(b) its mass remains the same but its velocity is doubled

(c) its mass is doubled and its velocity remains the same

(d) its mass remains the same but its velocity is reduced to half


ANS: its mass is doubled and its velocity remains the same


17.  When speed of the moving object is doubled its-

(a) acceleration is doubled

(b) momentum increases to four times

(c) K.E. becomes four times

(d) Potential energy gets doubled


ANS: K.E. becomes four times


18.  On tripling the speed of motion of a body, the change in K.E. is-

(a) 9 times

(b) 8 times

(c) 4 times

(d) 2 times


ANS: 9 times


19.  The speed of a motor bike decreases by 4 times. Its kinetic energy will decrease by-

(a) four times

(b) eight times

(c) sixteen times

(d) thirty-two times


ANS: sixteen times


20.  The work required to be done to stop a car of 2500 kg moving at a velocity of 90 km/h is,

(a) -781.25 kJ

(b) 781.25 kJ

(c) 2250 kJ

(d) -2250 kJ


ANS: -781.25 kJ


21.  The mass of a ball A is twice the mass of another ball B. The ball A moves at half the speed of the ball B. The ratio of the kinetic energy of A to that of B is-

(a) 3:2

(b) 1:2

(c) 5:2

(d) 4:2


ANS: 1:2


22.  Two bodies have their masses m1/m2 = 3 and their kinetic energies K.E­1/K.E2 = 1/3. The ratio of their velocities is-

(a) 1:1

(b) 1:2

(c) 1:3

(d) 2:3


ANS: 1:3


23.  Which of the following graphs show variation of kinetic energy with speed?

ANS: (d)


24.  Which of the following graph correctly describes the variation of kinetic energy with time of a block when it slides down a smooth inclined plane from rest?




25.  The momentum of a bullet of mass 20 g fired from a gun is 10 kg m/s. The kinetic energy of this bullet in kJ will be-

(a) 25

(b) 2.5

(c) 0.25

(d) 5


ANS: 2.5


26.  The momentum of a body is-

(a) directly proportional to velocity of the body, provided its mass remains constant

(b) directly proportional to the mass of the body, provided its velocity remains constant

(c) inversely proportional to the kinetic energy of the body

(d) both (a) and (b)


ANS: both (a) and (b)


27.  When the momentum of a body is increased by 100%, its K.E. increases by

(a) 100%

(b) 200%

(c) 300%

(d) 400%


ANS: 300%


28.  A player transfers a momentum of 12 kg m/s to a ball of mass 400 g which is at rest. Find the work done on the ball-

(a) 180 J

(b) 345 J

(c) 400 J

(d) 427 J


ANS: 180 J


29.  Two bodies of mass mA and mB have equal kinetic energy. The ratio of their momenta is-

(a) mA : mB

(b) mA2 : mB2

(c) mA mB

(d) mB : mA


ANS: √m: √mB


30.  Two bodies of mass 2 g and 3 g have equal kinetic energy. Which of the ratios of their momentum given below, is the correct one?

(a) 2:3

(b) 4:9

(c) 3:2

(d) 2 3


ANS: √2 : √3


31.  Two objects of masses 1 x 10-3 kg and 4 x 10-3 kg have equal momentum. What is the ratio of their kinetic energies?

(a) 2:1

(b) 1:4

(c) 4:1

(d) 1:2


ANS: 4:1


32.  Which of the following graphs best represents graphical relation between momentum P and kinetic energy K for a body in motion?

ANS: (d)


33.  A body at rest can have-

(a) Energy

(b) Power

(c) Momentum

(d) Acceleration


ANS: energy


34.  Potential energy of a body depends on its-

(a) position

(b) configuration

(c) both position and configuration

(d) mass and velocity


ANS: both position and configuration


35.  When a coil spring is compressed, the work is done on the spring. The elastic potential energy-

(a) increases

(b) decreases

(c) disappears totally

(d) remains unchanged


ANS: increases


36.  When you stretch a coil spring you do work on it. The elastic P.E. of the spring-

(a) remains unchanged

(b) decreases

(c) disappears

(d) increases


ANS: increases


37.  P.E. of a spring increases, when it is in the state of-

(a) compression

(b) expansion

(c) both (a) and (b)

(d) neither (a) nor (b)


ANS: both (a) and (b)


38.  Potential energy of a person is maximum when-

(a) person is sitting on a chair

(b) person is standing on the roof

(c) person is lying on the ground

(d) person is sitting on the ground


ANS: person is standing on the roof


39.  Potential energy of your body is minimum when you

(a) are standing

(b) are sitting on the chair

(c) are sitting on the ground

(d) lie down on the ground


ANS: lie down on the ground


40.  A stone is thrown vertically upward with a velocity v. The kinetic energy at the highest point is-

(a) ½ mgh

(b) mgh

(c) ½ mv2

(d) zero


ANS: zero


41.  A stone is thrown vertically upward. It comes to rest momentarily at the highest point. What happens to its kinetic energy?

(a) it converts into elastic potential energy

(b) it converts into gravitational potential energy

(c) it converts into chemical energy

(d) it is completely destroyed


ANS: it converts into gravitational potential energy


42.  A body at rest at a certain height possesses-

(a) kinetic energy

(b) gravitational potential energy

(c) elastic potential energy

(d) heat energy


ANS: gravitational potential energy


43.  The gravitational potential energy of an object of mass ‘m’ raised through a height ‘h’ from the earth’s surface is given by-

(a) ½ mgh

(b) mgh

(c) 2mv2

(d) Zero


ANS: mgh


44.  The gravitational potential energy of an object is due to-

(a) its mass

(b) its acceleration due to gravity

(c) its height above the earth’s surface

(d) all the above


ANS: all the above


45.  A man of mass 50 kg jumps to a height of 1 m. His potential energy at the highest point is (g = 10 m/s2)-

(a) 5 J

(b) 50 J

(c) 500 J

(d) 5000 J


ANS: 500 J


46.  Two bodies of equal weight are kept at heights of h and 1.5 h respectively. The ratio of their potential energies is-

(a) 3:2

(b) 2:3

(c) 1:1

(d) 4:3


ANS: 2:3


47.  A ball is dropped from the roof of a tower of height ‘h’. The velocity of the ball when it reaches the ground is 10 m/s. Find the height of the tower. (g = 10 ms-2)

(a) 5.6 m

(b) 12 m

(c) 5 m

(d) 10 m


ANS: 5 m


48.  An object of mass 1 kg has a P.E. of 1 Joule relative to the ground when it is at a height of-

(a) 0.102 m 

(b) 1 m

(c) 9.8 m

(d) 32 m


ANS: 0.102 m (calculate h using the relation, P.E. = mgh)


49.  9800 Joule of energy was spent to raise a mass of 50 kg. The mass was raised to a height of-

(a) 20 m

(b) 980 m

(c) 10 m

(d) none of the above


ANS: 20 m


50.  Which of the following is not a stored form of energy?

(a) chemical energy

(b) gravitational potential energy

(c) kinetic energy

(d) elastic potential energy


ANS: kinetic energy


51.  Which of the following is not an example of potential energy?

(a) water stored in a dam

(b) a stretched bow and arrow system

(c) a dog chasing a hare

(d) a stone lying on the top of a roof


ANS: a dog chasing a hare


52.  A car is accelerated on a levelled road and attains a velocity 4 times of its initial velocity. In this process the potential energy of the car

(a) does not change

(b) becomes twice to that of initial

(c) becomes 4 times that of initial

(d) becomes 16 times that of initial


ANS: does not change


53.  A girl is carrying a school bag of 3 kg mass on her back and moves 200 m on a levelled road. The work done against the gravitational force will be (g=10 m/s2)

(a) 6 x 103 J

(b) 6 J

(c) 0.6 J

(d) Zero


ANS: zero


54.  A rocket rises vertically. What happens to its potential energy?

(a) it increases

(b) it initially increases then decreases

(c) it initially decreases then increases

(d) it increases, till it becomes maximum


ANS: it increases, till it becomes maximum


55.  Mechanical energy of a body includes-

(a) kinetic energy only

(b) potential energy only

(c) both kinetic energy and potential energy

(d) none of these


ANS: both kinetic energy and potential energy


56.  The energy possessed by an oscillating pendulum of a clock is-

(a) kinetic energy

(b) potential energy

(c) mechanical energy

(d) sound energy


ANS: mechanical energy


57.  The type of energy possessed by a simple pendulum, when it is at the mean position is-

(a) kinetic energy

(b) potential energy

(c) kinetic + potential energy

(d) sound energy


ANS: kinetic energy


58.  The type of energy possessed by a simple pendulum, when it is at the extreme position is-

(a) kinetic energy

(b) potential energy

(c) kinetic + potential energy

(d) sound energy


ANS: potential energy


59.  The form of energy possessed by a flying bird/ flying aeroplane is-

(a) kinetic energy

(b) potential energy

(c) both kinetic and potential energy

(d) zero


ANS: both kinetic and potential energy


60.  When a body rolls down an inclined plane, then it has-

(a) kinetic energy

(b) potential energy

(c) both kinetic and potential energy

(d) zero


ANS: both kinetic and potential energy


61.  According to the law of conservation of energy-

(a) energy can’t be destroyed

(b) energy can’t be created

(c) energy can be transformed from one form to another

(d) all the above


ANS: All the above


62.  An iron sphere of mass 10 kg has the same diameter as an aluminium sphere of mass is 3.5 kg. Both spheres are dropped simultaneously from a tower. When they are 10 m above the ground, they have the same-

(a) acceleration

(b) momenta

(c) potential energy

(d) kinetic energy


ANS: acceleration


63.  When a body falls freely towards the earth, then its total energy-

(a) increases

(b) decreases

(c) remains constant

(d) first increases and then decreases


ANS: remains constant


64.  A mass ‘m’ falls from a height ‘h’. The total energy at any point on its path is-

(a) ½ mgh

(b) mgh

(c)  3mgh

(d) 2mgh


ANS: mgh


65.  A stone weighing 1 kg is dropped from rest from a height of 4 metres above the ground. When it has fallen 1 metre its total energy with respect to the ground is -

(a) 20 J

(b) 30 J

(c) 40 J

(d) 35 J


ANS: 40 J


66.  When a ball is dropped from a height of 10m-

(a) its potential energy increases and kinetic energy decreases during the fall

(b) its potential energy is equal to the kinetic energy during the fall

(c) the potential energy decreases and kinetic energy increases during the fall

(d) the potential energy is zero and kinetic energy is maximum while it is falling


ANS: the potential energy decreases and kinetic energy increases during the fall


67.  A body is falling from a height h. After it has fallen a height h/2, it will possess

(a) only potential energy

(b) only kinetic energy

(c) half potential and half kinetic energy

(d) more kinetic and less potential energy


ANS: half potential and half kinetic energy


68.  What happens to the kinetic energy of a freely falling object which eventually stops on reaching the ground?

(a) It changes into heat & sound energy

(b) It changes into electrical energy

(c) It changes into potential energy

(d) None of the above


ANS: It changes into heat & sound energy


69.  When a stone of mass m falls through a vertical height h, the decrease in the gravitational energy is

(a) mg2/h

(b) mgh

(c) mg/h2

(d) mg/2h


ANS: mgh


70.  Person A reached the 2nd floor of a hospital by lift and person B reached the same floor by stairs. If both their masses are the same, then the-

(a) work done on A against the gravitational force is greater than that done on B

(b) work done on B against the gravitational force is greater than that done on A

(c) work done on them against the gravitational force is the same

(d) power expended by both is the same


ANS: work done on them against the gravitational force is the same


71.  Find the incorrect statement.

(a) A body at rest may possess energy

(b) K.E. is converted into heat and sound energy when a freely falling body eventually stops on reaching the ground

(c) The P.E. of a freely falling body increases progressively

(d) There is no transfer of energy between you and the rock when you push a huge rock and fail to move it


ANS: The P.E. of a freely falling body increases progressively


72.  A microphone converts-

(a) sound energy into mechanical energy in stereo system

(b) sound energy into electrical energy in public address system

(c) electrical energy into sound energy in ordinary telephone

(d) microwave energy into sound energy in a mobile phone


ANS: sound energy into electrical energy in public address system


73.  Heat energy is present in a body in the form of-

(a) infra-red radiation

(b) ultraviolet light

(c) kinetic energy of constituent particles

(d) none


ANS: kinetic energy of constituent particles


74.  A stone rubbed on a rough surface and placed on the skin will show heating sensation, because-

(a) friction causes heat

(b) heat flows from the skin to the stone

(c) heat cannot flow

(d) the stone is heavy


ANS: friction causes heat


75. In winters, rubbing of hands together for some time, causes a sensation of warmth mainly because of -

(a) heat caused by the force of friction

(b) heat caused by the momentum

(c) heat caused by the motion

(d) heat flows from the blood


ANS: heat caused by the force of friction.


76.  Which of the following energy change involves frictional change?

(a) potential energy to sound energy

(b) chemical energy to heat energy

(c) kinetic energy to heat energy

(d) chemical energy to heat energy

Choose the correct option among the following:

(a) both (i) and (ii)

(b) only (iv)

(c) both (ii) and (iii)

(d) only (iii)


ANS: only (iii)


77.  Work done by friction-

(a) increases kinetic energy of body

(b) decreases kinetic energy of body

(c) increases potential energy of body

(d) decreases potential energy of body


ANS: decreases the kinetic energy of body


78.  Water stored in a dam possesses-

(a) no energy

(b) electrical energy

(c) kinetic energy

(d) potential energy


ANS: potential energy


79.  In the dams water is stored in the high reservoirs and then made to fall down. This falling water then rotates the turbines to generate electricity. In this energy conversion process. Can you tell the initial and final energies respectively?

(a) Kinetic energy and electrical energy

(b) potential energy and kinetic energy

(c) potential energy and electrical energy

(d) kinetic energy and potential energy


ANS: kinetic energy and electrical energy


80.  Which of the following best describes the useful energy change that takes place inside a mobile phone when sound is being produced?

(a) Electrical energy -> Sound energy

(b) Chemical -> Electrical energy -> Heat energy

(c) Chemical energy -> Heat energy -> Electrical energy -> Sound energy

(d) Chemical energy -> Electrical energy -> Sound energy


ANS: Chemical energy -> Electrical energy ->  Sound energy


81.  _____ is the process in which two or more atomic nuclei join to form a single heavier nucleus.

(a) nuclear fusion

(b) nuclear fission

(c) both (a) and (b)

(d) None of the above


ANS: nuclear fusion


82.  A body falls freely from a height of 10 m rebounds from a hard floor. It loses 20% of energy in the impact. What is the height to which it would rise after the impact?

(a) 7 m

(b) 5 m

(c) 8 m

(d) 6 m


ANS: 8 m


83.  Moon is the natural satellite of the earth and weight of an object on the moon is one sixth times the weight of same body on the earth. If a body is raised through height h on the surface of earth and the energy spent is E, then for the same amount of energy E the body on the surface of moon will rise through the height of-

(a) 2 h

(b) 6 h

(c) 4 h

(d) 12 h


ANS: 6 h


84.  Commercial unit of energy is-

(a) joule

(b) kWh

(c) watt

(d) newton


ANS: kWh


85.  The number of joules contained in 1 kWh is-

(a) 3.6 x 106 J

(b) 3.6 x 107 J

(c) 36 x 106 J

(d) 3.6 x 105 J


ANS: 3.6 x 106 J