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Monday 27 July 2020


1.      Why do plants need energy?

Ans: Plants need energy to grow, to replace their worn out parts, to get rid of wastes, and to reproduce.

2.      What makes plant special?

Ans: Plants are special because they synthesise or prepare their own food.

3.      Why are green leaves called food factories?

Ans: Green leaves make food for the plant. Thus, green leaves are called as food factories of the plant.

4.      What do you mean by the term photosynthesis?

Ans: Photo means ‘light’ and synthesis means ‘putting together’. Thus, photosynthesis is the process by which plants make their food in the presence of sunlight.

5.      Name the raw materials used by the plants to make food.

Ans: Plants need carbon dioxide and water to make food.

6.      State the condition required to convert carbon dioxide and water into food.

Ans: Carbon dioxide and water are converted into food in the presence of sunlight and chlorophyll.

7.      How does carbon dioxide from air enter the plant body?

Ans: Carbon dioxide from air enter the plant body through stomata.

8.      What are stomata?

Ans: Stomata are the tiny pores present on the leaf surface.

9.      How do plants get water?

Ans: Plants get water from the soil through their roots.

10.  _______ is essential for completing the process of photosynthesis.

Ans: Chlorophyll

11.  Name the pigment present in green leaves of a plant.

Ans: Chlorophyll is the green pigment present in green leaves of a plant.

12.  Why do some plants feed on insects?

Ans:i) Some plants need extra food in addition to what they prepare by photosynthesis.

ii) These plants grow in poor soil which lacks nitrogen salts.

So, these plants feed on insects for extra nourishment.

13.  What are insectivorous plants?

Ans: Plants, that trap and feed on insects, are called insectivorous plants.

14.  Name two insectivorous plants.

Ans: Venus flytrap and pitcher are insectivorous plants.

15.  How the venus flytrap and pitcher plants have their food?

Ans:i) Venus flytrap and pitcher plants trap insects in their sticky leaves which have special shapes.

ii) The insects get suffocated, when they are trapped in the leaf, and die.

iii) The bodies of these insects are then broken down, digested and consumed by the plant.

16.  Define ‘reproduction’.

Ans: The process, by which a living thing produces more of its kind, is called reproduction.

17.  Why do living things reproduce?

Ans: All living things reproduce to maintain their race and number on earth.

18.  Name the two methods of reproduction in plants.

Ans: The two methods of reproduction in plants are, i) Reproduction through seeds.

ii) Reproduction through different parts of a plant, like underground stem, stem cutting, root and leaf.

19.  The seeds of a plant usually develop inside the ______.

Ans: Fruit

20.  The seeds mature, when the _____ ripens.

Ans: Fruit

21.  State the conditions required for the proper germination of a seed.

Ans: Appropriate air, water, soil and proper temperature, are the conditions required for the growth for the proper germination of a seed.

22.  Name the plant which produces the largest seed amongst all plants.

Ans: The Seychelles coconut, produces the largest seeds amongst all plants.

23.  Name the place where Seychelles coconut tree is found.

Ans: The Seychelles coconut tree is found only in the Seychelles Islands near Africa.

24.  What is a double coconut?

Ans: The Seychelles coconut (a palm tree) produces a fruit that looks like two coconuts joined together. This is called the ‘double coconut’.

25.  What is a micropyle? State its function.

Ans: A micropyle is a small hole present in a seed. The micropyle allows water to enter its inside.

26.  The outer layer of the seed is called _____.

Ans: Seed coat

27.  State the function of seed coat.

Ans: The seed coat covers the seed and protects the seed.

28.  What are cotyledons?

Ans:  Cotyledons are the parts of the seed that contain food for the baby plant.

29.  State the function of cotyledons.

Ans: The cotyledons store food for the baby plant to grow.

30.  Name some plants which have only one cotyledon.

Ans: Wheat, rice and maize have only one cotyledon.

31.  Name some plants which have two cotyledons.

Ans: Pea, gram and bean have two cotyledons.

32.  Define the term seed germination.

Ans: The process, by which a seed grows and develops into a seedling, i.e.young plant, is called seed germination.

33.  Seeds do not germinate when they are kept in an ice-box or refrigerator. Why?

Ans: i) Seeds need a proper temperature, that is neither too hot nor too cold, for its germination.

        ii) In an ice-box or refrigerator the temperature is too low.

 So, seeds do not germinate when they are kept in an ice-box or refrigerator.

34.  What is vegetative reproduction?

Ans: The type of reproduction, in which a new plant arises from some part of a plant, without the involvement of seeds, is called vegetative reproduction.

35.  Name the parts of plants which can show vegetative reproduction.

Ans: Underground stem, roots or leaves of some plant can show vegetative reproduction.

36.  Write the importance of vegetative reproduction.

Ans: i) Vegetative reproduction is the easier and faster method of increasing the number of the

              same plant.

        ii) It also helps to grow plants without seeds.

       iii) It also helps to produce better variety of plants.

37.  Name some plants that reproduce through vegetative reproduction of underground stem.

Ans: Banana, potato and ginger reproduces from the underground stem.

38.  Name some plants that reproduce through stem cuttings.

Ans: Sugarcane, rose, grapes and bougainvillea reproduce through stem cuttings.

39.  How can one grow a rose plant without seeds?

Ans: i) First cut the stem of a grown up rose plant.

        ii) Then, the cutting should be planted at a suitable place.

        iii) If proper care is taken, then after some days it will produce new roots and shoots and will finally develop into a new rose plant.

In this way, one can grow a rose plant without seeds.

40.  Name some plants that reproduce through their roots.

Ans: Dahlia, Asparagus and sweet potato reproduce through their roots.

41.  Name the plant that reproduce through its leaves.

Ans: Bryophyllum reproduces through its leaves.

42.  How bryophyllum reproduces vegetatively?

Ans:i) In bryophyllum, new young plants arise from the notches of the leaves where small buds are present.

ii) These small buds get detached from the leaf and develop into new plants.

43.  What is seed dispersal?

Ans: The process of transfer of seeds, to different places, is called seed dispersal.

44.  What will happen if all the seeds germinate near their mother plant?

Ans: If all the seeds germinate near their mother plant, they will have to struggle to get sufficient air, water, sunlight and nutrients and many of them would die.

45.  Why do all seeds not germinate to form new plants?

Ans: i) If all the seeds fall at one place, they will not get sufficient nutrients and will not germinate.

ii) Some of seeds may not be of good quality.

iii) Some seeds may also get eaten by animals.

iv) Also, in the absence of suitable conditions like, soil, air, water and appropriate temperature, they will not germinate to form new plants.

46.  Write the two methods of seed dispersal.

Ans: The two methods of seed dispersal are, i) Human made ways, and ii) Natural ways.

47.  List the natural ways of seed dispersal. Give one example for each of them.

Ans:i) Dispersal by wind- Seeds of madar (aak), thistle and dandelion get dispersed through wind.

ii) Dispersal by water- Coconut, water lily, Hydrilla and lotus disperse their seeds through water.

iii) Dispersal by birds, insects and rodents- grains get dispersed by insects, birds

iv) Dispersal by human and animals- watermelon, papaya, mango, pumpkin and gourd

v) Dispersal through cracking and bursting- pea, ladyfinger, bean and balsam

48.  How seed dispersal takes place through wind?

Ans: i) These seeds are very light, small and have hair on them.

ii) The hair enable them to fly with the wind and get dispersed.

iii) The seeds of madar (aak), thistle and dandelion get dispersed through wind.

49.  How seeds get dispersed by water?

Ans:i) Plants which are near water bodies (sea, river, lake), disperse their seeds through water.

ii) Seeds float on the water for some distance before being carried away.

iii) They sink into mud on the shore, or on the fringes, of the water body.

50.  How animals help in seed dispersal?

Ans: i) Fleshy and juicy fruits are eaten by humans and other animals, and their seeds get thrown away.

ii) Some seeds get stuck to the clothes of humans, or skin and fur of animals and get dispersed.

51.  Name some plants which depend on animals to carry their seeds away from their parent plant.

Ans: Castor, burdock, cockleburr and mimosa depend on animals to carry their seeds away from their parent plant.

52.  Name the scientist who showed that plants have life.

Ans; J.C.Bose showed that plants have life.

53.  Who invented crescograph?

Ans: J.C.Bose invented crescograph.

54.  What is the use of crescograph?

Ans: Crescograph can be used to measure the rate of growth of a plant.

Thursday 23 July 2020


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1.      _______ are known as food factories of the plant.

Ans: Leaves

2.      Plants, like _________, reproduce through roots.

Ans: Dahlia/ Asparagus/ Sweet potato (any one)

3.       _______ and _______ are the raw materials needed for photosynthesis.

Ans: Water and Carbon dioxide

4.      ________ is a small hole present on the seed.

Ans: Micropyle

5.      Movement of seeds, from one place to another, is called ________.

Ans: Seed dispersal



1.      Type of reproduction without seeds                             a. Chlorophyll

2.      Green pigment present in leaves                                   b. Banana

3.      A fruit that does not bear seeds                                     c. Bryophyllum

4.      Reproduction through leaves                                          d. Pea and ladyfinger

5.      Dispersal of seeds through cracking                               e. Vegetative reproduction


1.      Type of reproduction without seeds                            e. Vegetative reproduction

2.      Green pigment present in leaves                                  a. Chlorophyll

3.      A fruit that does not bear seeds                                    b. Banana

4.      Reproduction through leaves                                         c. Bryophyllum

5.      Dispersal of seeds through cracking                             d. Pea and ladyfinger 




1.      The small baby plant, coming out of a seed is known as the -

(a)   Grain        (b) Stomata          (c) Root        (d) Seedling

      Ans: Seedling

2.      The process, by which a plant make its own food, is called –

(a)   Photosynthesis              (b) Germination          (c) Reproduction           (d) Dispersal

      Ans: Photosynthesis


3.      Which of these plants has only one cotyledon?

(a)   Gram       (b)  Pea       (c) Wheat       (d) Bean

       Ans: Wheat

4.      For proper germination, a seed needs –

(a)   Water only

(b)   Just the right temperature

(c)    Air only

(d)   Water, air as well as the appropriate temperature      

       Ans: Water, air as well as the appropriate temperature

5.      Lotus seeds are dispersed mainly through –

(e)   Insects       (b)  Birds       (c) Air       (d) Water

       Ans: Water



1.      Name the pigment present in green leaves of a plant.

Ans: The green pigment present in green leaves of a plant is chlorophyll.

2.      Why do some plants feed on insects?

Ans: i) Some plants need extra food in addition to what they prepare by photosynthesis.

        ii) These plants grow in poor soil which lacks nitrogen salts.

So, these plants feed on insects for extra nourishment.

3.      Name the two methods of reproduction in plants.

Ans: The two methods of reproduction in plants are,

        i) Reproduction through seeds.

        ii) Reproduction through different parts of a plant, like underground stem, stem cutting, root and leaf.

4.      State the conditions required for the proper germination of a seed.

Ans: Appropriate air, water, soil and proper temperature, are the conditions required for the growth for the proper germination of a seed.

5.      State two plants that reproduce through stem cuttings.

Ans: Two plants that reproduce through stem cuttings are; Rose, Bougainvillea and Sugarcane (any two).



1.      Why do all seeds not germinate to form new plants?

Ans: i) If all the seeds fall at one place, they will not get sufficient nutrients and will not germinate.

ii) Some of seeds may not be of good quality.

iii) Some seeds may also get eaten by animals.

iv) Also, in the absence of suitable conditions like, soil, air, water and appropriate temperature, they will not germinate to form new plants.

2.      Seeds do not germinate when they are kept in an ice-box or refrigerator. Why?

Ans:i) Seeds need a proper temperature, that is neither too hot nor too cold, for its germination.

        ii) In an ice-box or refrigerator the temperature is too low.

 So, seeds do not germinate when they are kept in an ice-box or refrigerator.

3.      State the importance of vegetative reproduction in plants.

Ans: i) Vegetative reproduction is the easier and faster method of increasing the number of the

              same plant.

        ii) It also helps to grow plants without seeds.

       iii) It also helps to produce better variety of plants.

4.      List any three natural ways of seed dispersal. Give one example for each of them.

Ans: i) Dispersal by wind - Seeds of madar (aak), thistle and dandelion get dispersed through wind.

         ii) Dispersal by water - Coconut, water lily, Hydrilla and lotus disperse their seeds through water.

        iii) Dispersal by human and animals - watermelon, papaya, mango, pumpkin and gourd.

5.      How can one grow a rose plant without seeds?

Ans: i) First cut the stem of a grown up rose plant.

        ii) Then, the cutting should be planted at a suitable place.

        iii) If proper care is taken, then after some days it will produce new roots and shoots and will finally develop into a new rose plant.

In this way, one can grow a rose plant without seeds.

6.      State the function of following:

(a)   Seed coat        (b) Cotyledons         (c) Micropyle

Ans: (a) Seed coat:- The seed coat protects the seed from external conditions.

(b)   Cotyledons:- It stores food for the baby plant to grow.

(c)    Micropyle:- Micropyle allows water to enter into the seed.


7.      Write the ways of dispersal of seeds in the following plants.













Water lily











Humans and Animals


By cracking and bursting


Human and animals

Water lily
