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Tuesday 13 October 2020


 1.      Why do animals need food?

Ans:  Animals need food for their growth and energy.

2.      From where animals get their food?

Ans: Animals get their food from plants and other animals.

3.      Why do animals depend on plants and other animals?

Ans: Animals cannot prepare food themselves. So, they depend on plants, or other animals, for their food.

4.      What are herbivorous animals?

Ans: Plant eating animals are called herbivorous animals.

5.      Name some Herbivorous animals.

Ans: Some herbivorous animals are, Cow, goat, giraffe, monkey and elephant.

6.      Why monkey is called a herbivorous animal?

Ans: Monkey is a herbivorous animal, because it eats only plant products.

7.      What are carnivorous animals?

Ans: Flesh eating animals are called carnivorous animals.

(Or) Those animals who eat other animals and animal products only, are called carnivorous animals.

8.      Name some carnivorous animals.

Ans: Lion, hyena, snake, frog and tiger, are some carnivorous animals.

9.      Name some animals who hunt and eat other animals.

Ans: Hyena, lion, snake and frog, hunt other animals and eat them.

10.  Name some animals who eat the remains of dead animals.

Ans:  Fox and vulture, eat the remains of dead animals.

11.  Why hyena is a carnivorous animal?

Ans: Hyena is a carnivorous animal, because it eats other animals.

12.  What are omnivorous animals?

Ans: Animals which eat both plants and animals, are called omnivorous animals.

13.  Name some omnivorous animals.

Ans: Bear, crow, rat and jackal, are some omnivorous animals.

14.  Bear lives in the forest. But, why it is called an omnivorous animal?

Ans: Bear eats both plant and animal product. So, it is called an omnivorous animal.

15.  State one difference between herbivorous and omnivorous animals. Give one example of each type.

Ans: i) Herbivorous animals only eat plant products. Omnivorous animals eat both plant and animal products.

ii) Two herbivorous animals are, cow and goat. Two omnivorous animals are, crow and dog.

16.  “Different animals eat different types of food.” Explain.

Ans: Different animals have different shapes of their mouth, jaws and teeth. So, different animals eat different types of food depending on the shape of their mouth, jaws, and teeth.

17.  Name some animals who do not use their teeth to bite or chew the food?

Ans: Frog, lizard and snake do not use their teeth to bite or chew the food.

18.  How does a frog/ a lizard take its food?

Ans: A frog/ a snake catches its prey with the help of its sticky tongue.

19.  How do frogs/ snakes/ lizards have their food?

Ans: Frogs/ snakes/ lizards swallow their food.

20.  “Snakes can eat animals which are bigger than them in size.” Justify this statement.

Ans: Snakes can open their mouth very wide to swallow its prey. So, snakes can eat animals which are bigger than them in size.

21.  Explain the term ‘chewing the cud’?

Ans: Grass eating animals first nibble their food and put it inside their bodies. When they relax, they bring back part of the food into their mouths and then chew it properly. This is called ‘chewing the cud’.

22.  Name some animals who chew their cud?

Ans: Cows, buffalo and camels, chew their cud.

23.  Which type of teeth help the grazing animals in chewing?

Ans: The strong and broad back teeth help the grazing animals in chewing.

24.  Which type of teeth help cows/ camel?

Ans: Their strong and broad back teeth, help them.

25.  Name some animals who tear the flesh.

Ans: Lion, dog, fox, and cats, tear their flesh.

26.  Which type of teeth help in tearing the flesh?

Ans: The sharp and pointed front teeth help in tearing the flesh.

27.  Which types of teeth are used by flesh eating animals?

Ans: Animals use their sharp pointed front teeth for tearing the flesh. They then chew the food with their grinding teeth.

28.  Name the type of teeth that squirrels have. Name two more animals having the same type of teeth.

Ans: Squirrels have sharp pointed chisel like teeth. Two more animals having the same type of teeth are, rabbit and rat.

29.  What are gnawing animals?

Ans: Animals who bite their food repeatedly, are called gnawing animals.

30.  Name two animals which gnaw their food.

Ans: Two animals which gnaw their food are, rabbit and rat.

31.  How the rat is able to bite even hard and rough food grains?

Ans: The rat is having sharp front chisel like teeth. So, a rat is able to bite even hard and rough food grains.

32.  How do insects (butterfly and mosquito) have their food?

Ans: Insects like butterfly and mosquitoes, have a long hollow tube like structure. This helps them to suck their food.

33.  How do leeches have their food?

Ans: Leeches attach themselves to some other animal and suck its blood.

34.  How the elephant uses its trunk?

Ans: i) An elephant uses its trunk to pluck leaves and push them into its mouth.

ii) The trunk also helps the elephant in sucking water.

35.  Suggest some ways that can help us in taking care of domestic animals.

Ans: i) Animals, which give us milk, need to be fed with grains, green fodder and lots of clean water.

ii) Poultry birds, like hen and duck, should be fed with grains and water.

iii) The shelter of all domestic animals should be clean, dry, and airy.

iv) Pet animals need to be protected from hot and cold weather.

v) Sick animals should be separated from healthy ones and got treated. They should be taken to a veterinary doctor immediately. 

36. Suggest the kind of food that can be given to birds like pigeons.

Ans: Pigeons can be fed with grains and water.


1.      When is a substance said to be dissolved in water?

Ans: When a substance completely mixes in water, such that its particles aew no visible, it is said to have got dissolved in water.

2.      Define a soluble substance.

Ans: A substance which dissolves in water is said to be soluble in it.

3.      Name some substances which are soluble in water.

Ans: Sugar, salt and lemon juice are all soluble in water.

4.      Define a solution.

Ans: When a substance dissolves completely in any medium, we get a solution.

5.      Define a solute.

Ans: The substance, that gets dissolved in a medium to form a solution, is called a solute.

6.      What is a solvent?

Ans: The medium, in which the substance is dissolved, is called a solvent.

7.      Identify the solute and solvent in a nimboo-pani drink.

Ans: In a nimboo-pani drink, Water is the solvent whereas sugar, salt and lemon juice are all solutes.

8.      Define insoluble substances.

Ans: The substances that do not get dissolved in water are said to be insoluble substances (in water).

9.      Name two substances that are insoluble in water.

Ans: Pebbles, saw dust, chalk powder etc. are insoluble in water.

10.  Name two liquids which are soluble in water.

Ans: Lemon juice and vinegar are soluble in water.

11.  Name two liquids which are insoluble in water.

Ans: Kerosene and vegetable oils

12.  Name the liquids which forms a layer above water.

Ans: Kerosene, vegetable oils, hair oils etc. form a layer above water.

13.  Name the liquid which forms a layer below water.

Ans: Carbon tetrachloride forms a layer below water.

14.  Name two gases which are soluble in water.

Ans: Carbon dioxide and oxygen

15.  Name one gas which is not soluble in water.

Ans: Nitrogen

16.  The materials, which do not dissolve in water, either ______ on its surface or _____ to the bottom of the container.

Ans:  The materials, which do not dissolve in water, either float on its surface or sink to the bottom of the container.

17.  Name some solids which sink in water.

Ans: Sand, coins, pebbles, carbon tetra chloride, iron nails, marbles etc. sink in water.

18.  Name some solids which float on water.

Ans: Cork, Butter paper, thermocole, saw dust, float on water.

19.  Name two liquids which float on water.

Ans: Hair oil, mustard oil, float on water.

20.  Name one liquid which sinks in water.

Ans: Carbon tetrachloride

21.  Name the three forms of water.

Ans: Water exists in liquid, solid and vapour form.

22.  How can we change one form of water into another?

Ans: By changing temperature

23.  What do we understand by the terms ‘evaporation’ and ‘condensation’?

Ans: i) Change of a liquid into its vapour form is called Evaporation.

ii) Change of vapour form of a substance into its liquid form, on cooling, is called condensation.

24.  Define water cycle.

Ans: The cyclic process, of evaporation of water from the earth’s surface, followed by its condensation, is called water cycle in nature.

25.  How does rain water get impure?

Ans: By the time, rain water reach the surface of the earth, they become impure, because they dissolve many harmful gases present in air and also get dust and smoke mixed up with them.

26.  Define transpiration.

Ans: Transpiration is the loss of water from parts of plants, especially leaves.

27.  How transpiration plays a key role in cloud formation?

Ans: Transpiration adds to the amount of water vapour present in the air. Thus, it plays a role in cloud formation.

Saturday 3 October 2020


1.      State the uses of water.

Ans: i) We use water for drinking and other household activities like washing, bathing, cooking, cleaning and so on.

ii) Water is also used for irrigating the fields, generating electricity and for transportation.

2.      The human body contains _____percentage of water.

Ans: Human body contains about 70% water.

3.      Name any two water bodies that exist on the surface of earth.

Ans: Two water bodies that exist on the surface of earth are rivers, oceans and seas.

4.      How does water help in excretion of waste material from animal bodies?

Ans: i) The animal body produces waste materials.

ii) These waste materials get dissolved in water and are excreted in the form of urine.

5.      Describe the ways in which water is important for animals.

Ans: i) Water helps in the process of digestion of food.

ii) The nutrients present in food get dissolved in water. This helps their bodies to absorb nutrients.

iii) Water also help in excretion of waste material from animal bodies.

iv) Water is also a habitat for many animals.

6.       What are aquatic animals?

Ans: Animals living in water are called aquatic animals.

7.      Name some aquatic animals.

Ans: Fish, whale, seahorse, prawn and octopus are some aquatic animals.

8.      What are amphibious animals?

Ans: Animals that can live both in water and on land, are called amphibious animals.

9.      Name some amphibious animals.

Ans: Frog, Turtle and crocodile are some amphibious animals.

10.  List any four ways in which water is important for plants.

Ans: i) Water provides nutrients to plants in dissolved form.

ii) Water also helps in transporting nutrients to various parts of the plant.

iii) Plants require water for photosynthesis process.

iv) Plants require water for germination of seeds.

v) Water is also a habitat for many plants.

11.  What are aquatic plants?

Ans: Plants growing in water, are called as aquatic plants.

12.  Name some aquatic plants.

Ans: Water lily, lotus, water hyacinth, duckweed, water lettuce and hydrilla, are some aquatic plants.

13.  Kamal kakri is the ______ of the lotus plant.

Ans: Stem

14.  How do plants absorb water from the soil?

Ans: Plants absorb water from the soil with the help of their roots.

15.  What percentage of water is present in seas and oceans?

Ans: About 97% of water is present in seas and oceans.

16.  What percentage of water is present in rivers, lakes, ponds, streams and glaciers?

Ans: About 3% of water is present in rivers, lakes, ponds, streams and glaciers.

17.  What is ground water?

Ans: Water, present below the earth’s surface, is called as ground water.

18.  State the methods of drawing out ground water.

Ans: Ground water can be drawn out in many ways, like: i) From baolis or stepwells

ii) With the help of a water wheel or rehat.

iii) From a well using a pulley

iv) From tubewells.

19.  What is a stepwell?

Ans: i) A stepwell is a well having steps on all sides.

ii) This enables people to go down to fetch water.

20.  How can ground water be drawn out through tubewells?

Ans: i) In a tubewell, a long pipe is inserted deep into the ground where it dips below the ground water level.

ii) Water is then drawn up by using a hand pump or an electric pump.

21.  How is water supplied in cities?

Ans: i) There are well-planned water supply systems that supply water to homes and offices in the cities.

ii) In such systems, the river water is usually purified by a series of processes that make it fir for drinking.

iii) This purified water is then sent to homes and offices through a network of pumps and pipes. 


1.      What do you mean domestic animals?

Ans: Those animals who live in and around our home, are called domestic animals.

2.      Give five examples of domestic animals.

Ans: Five examples of domestic animals are, dog, cat, cow, goat and pig.

3.      What do you mean by wild animals?

Ans: Those animals who do not live in or around our home and usually live in forests, are called wild animals.

4.      Give some examples of wild animals.

Ans: Some examples of wild animals are, lion, tiger, Rhino, deer, kangaroo etc.

5.      Name the animal who guards our house.

Ans: Dog guards our house.

6.      Name the animals who give us milk.

Ans: Cow and goat give us milk.

7.      Name the animal which has a horn on its head.

Ans: Rhino has a horn on its head.

8.      Name the bird which has a light green colour body and a red beak.

Ans: Parrot has a green colour body and a red beak.

9.      Define “habitat”.

Ans: A place where an animal lives is called its habitat.

10.  How the animals are classified on the basis of their habitat?

Ans: Animals are classified as, Land animals, Water animals and Aerial animals, on the basis of their habitat.

11.  Define “Terrestrial animals”.

Ans: Animals living on land are also called terrestrial animals.

12.  Name some terrestrial animals who live in plains.

Ans: Horse, cow, buffalo, dog, cat, donkey are some of the animals who live in plains.

13.  Name some animals living in deserts.

Ans: Camel, snake, lizard are some of the animals living in deserts.

14.  State the special features which help a camel to live in a desert.

Ans: i) Camels can tolerate high temperatures.

ii) Camels can store water and food in their bodies.

iii) Camels have padded feet that help them to walk on sand.

15.  Which type of feet do camels have?

Ans: Camels have padded feet.

16.  Which feature helps camels to walk on sand?

Ans: Camels have padded feet that help them to walk on sand.

17.  Which feature helps camels to live without water for many days?

Ans: Camels can store water and food in their bodies. This helps them to live without water for many days.

18.  How do lizards and snakes move on the ground?

Ans: Lizards and snakes crawl on the ground.

19.  How do lizards and snakes escape the heat of the desert?

Ans: Lizards and snakes live in burrows. This helps them to escape the heat of the desert.

20.  What are burrows?

Ans: Burrows are the small hollow areas under the earth.

21.  Name any two things that forests provide to animals.

Ans: Forests provide food and shelter to animals.

22.  Name some animals who live in forests.

Ans: Animals like tiger, zebra, elephant, giraffe, deer, kangaroo, live in the forests.

23.  How do skin colours and body patterns of some animals help to save them from danger?

Ans: The colour of the skin and body patterns of some animals, help them to merge with their surroundings and thereby, protecting them from danger.

24.  Where the cold regions of earth located?

Ans: The cold regions are located near the north and south poles of the earth.  

25.  Name some animals living in the snow covered areas.

Ans: Some animals who live in the snow covered areas are, polar bear, snow leopard, penguin, arctic hare.

26.  How the polar bear and snow leopard protect themselves from cold?

Ans: Polar bear and snow leopard have thick fur to protect their bodies from cold.

27.  Name some water bodies.

Ans: Ponds, lakes, rivers and oceans are some water bodies.

28.  Name some fresh water bodies.

Ans: Some fresh water bodies are, lakes, ponds and rivers.

29.  Name some salty water bodies.

Ans: Seas, oceans and some lakes are the examples of salty water bodies.

30.  Define aquatic animals.

Ans: Animals living in water are called aquatic animals.

31.  Give some examples of aquatic animals.

Ans: Fish, dolphins, whales, octopus, seal, jellyfish, shark, are some examples of aquatic animals.

32.  Name some animals who live in fresh water bodies.

Ans: Fish, like catla, labeo, trout, piranha, live in fresh water bodies.

33.  Name some animals who live in salty water bodies.

Ans: Animals, like whale, shark, turtle, starfish and jellyfish, live in salty water bodies.

34.  Name some land animals who stays in water for most of the time.

Ans: Frogs, toads, crocodile, turtle are some of the land animals who stays in water for most of the time.

35.  Why do frogs need water?

Ans: Frogs need water for laying eggs.

36.  Which feature helps frog to stay in water?

Ans: i) Frogs have webbed feet for swimming.

ii) Frogs can also breathe in water.

37.  Which feature helps turtles to swim in water?

Ans: Turtles have flippers for swimming.

38.  What are flippers?

Ans: Flippers are the paddle like organs for swimming.

39.  When do the turtles come to land?

Ans: Turtles come to land when they have to lay eggs.

40.  The crocodile lives near water and can also swim. Is it a water animal or land animal?

Ans: Crocodile is a land animal.

41.  How the crocodile moves in water?

Ans: The crocodile crawls on the ground.

42.  Where do dolphins live?

Ans: Dolphins live in oceans.

43.  Why are dolphins considered to be intelligent animals?

Ans: Dolphins can easily learn to perform tricks and play games. So, dolphins are considered to be intelligent animals.

44.  Name some friendly animals.

Ans: Dogs, cats are friendly animals.

45.  Why dogs, cats are called friendly animals?

Ans: Dogs, cats like to interact and play with humans. They also love their masters.  So, they are friendly animals.

46.  Name some shy animals.

Ans:  Deer, orangutans, tigers and snakes, are shy animals.

47.  Why deer/tiger/ orangutans/ snakes, are called shy animals?

Ans: Because they do not like to interact with humans. Humans, also try to avoid most of such animals. So, they are called shy animals.