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Monday 27 July 2020


1.      Name the common, green part of the plant.

Ans: The common, green part of the plant is the “leaf”.

2.      What does a leaf do for the plant?

Ans: The leaf makes food for the plant.

3.      To what use were some leaves put by saints in olden days?

Ans: Saints in olden days used some leaves to write.

4.      In which part of India, banana leaves are often used as plates?

Ans: In southern parts of India, banana leaves are often used as plates for eating food.

5.      Name the plant which is often grown in the courtyard.

Ans: The plant which is often grown in the courtyard is tulsi.

6.      What is the other name of ‘Tulsi’?

Ans: The other name for Tulsi leaf is ‘Basil’.

7.      “People often use Tulsi leaves while making tea.” Why?

Ans: Tulsi leaves help to cure cough and cold. So, people often use Tulsi leaves while making tea.

8.      Write two uses of Neem leaf.

Ans: i) Neem leaves help to protect clothes and other items from insects.

ii) Neem leaves are also used for their medicinal purposes.

9.      State two uses of leaves in our food.

Ans: i) Leaves of some plants are used to make food look nice and attractive.

ii) Leaves also add aroma to the leaves.

10.  Name the leaves which are used to garnish food.

Ans: The leaves which are used to garnish our food are, coriander (dhania), mint (pudina) and curry leaves.

11.  How are curry leaves helpful for us?

Ans: Curry leaves are good for eye-sight and help to cure diarrhoea.

12.  Name some leaves which are used as vegetables.

Ans: The leaves which are used as vegetables are, spinach, mustard, fenugreek (methi) and cabbage.

13.  Why do plants shed their leaves?

Ans: i) When the leaves become old, the plants shed them off.

ii) When the leaves are not able to perform their function well, they are shed off.

iii) When more harmful wastes get collected in the leaves, they are shed off.

14.  How shedding of leaves is helpful for the plants?

Ans: The shedding of leaves help the plant to throw out the harmful wastes that get collected in old leaves. Leaves come up in place of old leaves.

15.  How can compost be made?

Ans: i) Collect the fallen leaves and kitchen waste.

ii) Dump them in a pit and cover it with moist soil.

iii) After two or three months, it becomes compost.

16.  Where the compost be used?

Ans: Compost can be used in the fields.

17.  How is compost useful for plants and crops?

Ans: Compost helps the plants and crops to grow better.

18.  Why we should not burn the fallen leaves?

Ans: i) Fallen leaves can be used to make compost.

ii) Also, burning of leaves is harmful for our environment.

So, we should not burn the fallen leaves.

19.  State the different uses of leaves.

Ans: i) Leaves can be used for writing purposes.

ii) Banana leaves can be used as plates.

iii) Leaves like Neem and Tulsi can be used for medicinal purposes.

iv) Leaves of coriander (dhania), mint (pudina) and curry leaves are used to garnish food items and to add aroma.

v) The leaves of spinach, mustard, fenugreek (methi) and cabbage are used as vegetables.

vi) Compost can be made using fallen leaves.

20.  Name two articles where one can find leaf designs.

Ans: We find leaf designs in curtains, saree borders, temple carvings, paintings etc.

21.  List the other names of dhania, pudina, tulsi and methi.

Common name of leaves

Their other names










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