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                   FROM BASIC TO MASTER LEVEL

Thursday 10 September 2020



1.      Why do living organisms need food?

Ans: i) Food helps us to grow and stay healthy.

ii) It also gives us energy to do work.

iii) This not only suits our tastes but also provides us with different types of nutrients.

2.      What are nutrients?

Ans: Nutrients are substances present in food that are required for proper growth and development of our body.

3.      Name some nutrients present in different food stuffs.

Ans: Carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals are the nutrients present in food.

4.      What does the Healthy Eating Pyramid indicate?

Ans: The Healthy Eating pyramid shows the proportion of food stuffs and nutrients that we should eat for making our food balanced and good for our health.

5.      Name the nutrients which are called as Energy giving foods.

Ans: Carbohydrates and fats are called as Energy giving foods.

6.      What is the importance of carbohydrates?

Ans: Carbohydrates provide energy.

7.      What is the importance of fats?

Ans: Fats provide energy and warmth.

8.      Name the nutrient which is called as body building food.

Ans: Proteins are called as body building food.

9.      What is the importance of proteins?

Ans: Proteins help to grow and repair worn out tissues.

10.  Name the nutrients which are called as protective foods.

Ans: Vitamins and minerals are called as protective foods.

11.  What is the function of Vitamins and minerals in our body?

Ans: Vitamins and mineral protect us from diseases. They are also needed for proper functioning of our body.

12.  Define Health.

Ans: Health is a state of complete physical and mental well being.

13.  What are the needs for maintaining a good health?

Ans: For maintaining good health, our body needs, i) a balanced diet

ii) Regular exercise

iii) Proper rest

iv) Good personal hygiene

v) Clean and hygienic surroundings

14.  Define disease.

Ans: A disease is any defect, or abnormality, found in the body.

15.  What is the cause of disease?

Ans: Diseases may be caused due to malfunctioning of some body part or due to lack of particular vitamins or minerals in the body.

16.  State the two main categories of diseases.

Ans: The two main categories of diseases are, i) Non-communicable diseases

ii) Communicable diseases

17.  What are non-communicable diseases?

Ans: Those diseases, which generally do not get transmitted from one person to another are, called non-communicable diseases.

18.  What are deficiency disease?

Ans: Diseases that are caused due to some deficiency in our diet, are known as deficiency diseases.

19.  How does Protein-carbohydrate deficiency affect our body?

Ans: Protein-carbohydrate deficiency may cause;

i) improper growth of the body

ii) Loose skin and sunken eyes

iii) Thin and light hair

iv) Person is inactive and gets tired easily

20.  Children of which age group are likely to suffer from Protein-carbohydrate deficiency disease?

Ans: Children, in the age group of 6 months to 3 years, often suffer from this type of deficiency disease, if they do not get a proper balanced diet.

21.  Deficiency of which mineral causes anaemia/

Ans: Iron

22.  What are the symptoms of Anaemia?

Ans: A person, i) looks weak and pale

ii) gets tired very easily

iii) is prone to different infections

23.  How does calcium-phosphorus deficiency affect us?

Ans: Deficiency of Calcium- phosphorus results in, i) weak teeth lose their shine and whiteness

ii) Weak, soft and fragile bones.

24.  Name the disease which is caused due to the deficiency of Iodine.

Ans: Goitre (enlargement of glands in neck)

25.  What are the symptoms of Goitre?

Ans: A person suffering from Goitre shows, i) swelling in the neck region

ii) Retarded growth

iii) Mental disorder

26.  What is the function of Haemoglobin/

Ans: Haemoglobin in blood transports oxygen and provides red colour to blood.

27.  Which mineral is needed for the formation of Haemoglobin?

Ans: Iron

28.  Name the disease which occurs due to the deficiency of Vitamin A.

Ans: Night blindness

29.  What are the symptoms of Night blindness?

Ans: A person suffering from night blindness shows, i) inability to see in dim light

ii) Dullness in eyes

iii) Dry and scaly skin

30.  Name the disease which occurs due to the deficiency of Vitamin B.

Ans: Beri-Beri

31.  What are the symptoms of Beri-Beri?

Ans: i) Extreme weakness

ii) Paralysis of body parts

32.  Name the disease which occurs due to the deficiency of Vitamin C.

Ans: Scurvy

33.  What are the symptoms of Scurvy?

Ans: i) swollen and bleeding gums

ii) Loose teeth

iii) Pain in joints

34.  Name the disease which occurs due to the deficiency of Vitamin D.

Ans: Rickets

35.  What are the symptoms of Rickets?

Ans: i) soft and weak bones

ii) Bow-shaped legs

36.  Name the first Vitamin to be discovered.

Ans: Vitamin B1 (Thiamin)

37.  The outer layer of rice kernel contains a substance called _____.

Ans: Thiamin (Vitamin B)

38.  Define the term ‘Malnutrition’.

Ans: Malnutrition is a term used for a condition caused by improper or inadequate nourishment. It often results in one or more of the deficiency diseases.

39.  How can one prevent deficiency diseases?

Ans: One should take a balanced diet containing all types of nutrients.

ii) One must follow good food practices and habits.

iii) Children must be given adequate amount of milk, milk products, and additional food items like juices, soft-boiled rice, porridge, etc.

40.  What are communicable diseases?

Ans:  The diseases, which generally get transmitted from one person to another, are called communicable diseases.

41.  Name the disease causing germs.

Ans:  Bacteria, virus, fungi, are the disease causing germs.

42.  How does germs enter the body of a person?

Ans: germs enter the body of a person through- nose or mouth, also with food and water taken.

43.  What are the ways by which communicable diseases spread?

Ans: Communicable diseases can spread, i) By insects

                                                                         ii) By air, water and soil.

44.  Name the diseases which are spread by mosquitoes.

Ans: Malaria, Dengue

45.  _______ spread plague.

Ans: Fleas

46.  Name the diseases which spread through air.

Ans: Common cold, measles and chickenpox spread through air.

47.  Name the diseases which spread through water.

Ans: Cholera, typhoid, jaundice, spread through water.

48.  How can we prevent the spread of germs from a sick person to a healthy person?

(OR) How can we prevent communicable diseases?

Ans: Communicable diseases can be prevented by observing the following precautions:

i)                    All the articles and clothes of infected person should be disinfected.

ii)                  One must always cover the nose or mouth while sneezing or coughing.

iii)                The surrounding must be kept clean and hygienic.

iv)                Water must not be allowed to stagnate around homes

v)                  We should change the water in room coolers, flower pots and other containers after every 3-4 days.

vi)                Vaccination must be done to prevent many diseases like measles, polio and chickenpox.

49.  Why should we not allow water to stagnate around our homes?

Ans:  Water must not be allowed to stagnate around homes, stagnant water is the breeding place of mosquitoes.

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