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Monday 16 November 2020


1.      Why are birds called as ‘aerial animals’?

Ans: Birds can fly in air. So, they are called aerial animals.

2.      Write the special features of birds that help them to fly.

Ans: Birds can fly in air, because they have,

i)   Hollow bones, which make their body light.

ii) Wings that are made up of light feathers.

iii)  Pointed, sharp, boat shaped body.

iv)  Tail, which helps them while changing the direction.

3.      Name some birds which cannot fly.

Ans: Penguin, ostrich, kiwi, are some birds which cannot fly. (others are, Steamer duck, Weka, Kakapo,  Takahe and Cassowary)

4.      Why are birds very light in weight?

Ans: Birds are very light in weight because their body is made up of hollow bones.

5.      Why penguin and some other birds cannot fly?

Ans: As penguins and some other birds have quite heavy bodies, so they cannot fly.

6.      How do the birds use their beaks and claws?

Ans: Birds use their beaks and claws to catch food and to build their nests.

7.      There are about ______ kinds of birds.

Ans: 10,000

8.      Name the smallest bird.

Ans: Humming bird is the smallest bird.

9.      Name the largest bird.

Ans: Ostrich is the largest bird.

10.  What is a nest?

Ans: A nest is a bird’s home.

11.  List some places where we find birds’ nests.

Ans: We find birds’ nests on trees, on the terraces of buildings, on electricity poles, on the top of almirah, behind the shelf, in the meter room and many other places.

12.  List some materials used by various birds to make their nests.

Ans: Different things like twigs, straws, leaves, feathers, cotton, small paper-bits, mud, wires and small wooden pieces, are used by various birds to make their nests.

13.  How are nests useful for birds?

Ans: i) Nests protect the birds from enemies and bad weather.

ii) Birds lay their eggs and hatch them in the nests.

iii) Birds keep their young ones safe and warm in their nests. The chicks stay there, till they are old enough to fly.

14.  Why do birds make sounds?

Ans: Birds make sounds,

                                          i)  to communicate about danger, food and

                                          ii) to locate one another.

15.  Birds start making their nests usually in the month of-

Ans: April

16.  Birds are very busy during the month of _____.

Ans: April

17.  Name three birds who work in pairs to make their nests.

Ans: The sparrow, sunbird and dove work in pairs to make their nests.

18.  Where can we find a sparrow’s nest?

Ans: We can find a sparrow’s nest, between the branches of a tree, on the top of almirah, behind the shelf, in the meter room or any other such corner.

19.  Name the materials used by a crow to make its nest.

Ans: A crow uses all types of material, like wires and small wooden pieces, to make its nest.

20.  Where does the crow build its nest?

Ans: The crow builds its nest on, or near, the topmost branches of a tree.

21.  How does a tailor bird make its nest?

Ans: i) A tailor bird stitches the leaves with the help of its beak using small twigs as thread to make its nest.

ii) It uses straws, soft twigs and feathers, inside the nest, to make a cushion.

22.  Which bird makes a tuk-tuk sound, while making its nest in a tree trunk?

Ans: A barbet or a coppersmith, makes tuk-tuk sound, while making its nest in a tree trunk.

23.  When, and where, does a barbet make its nest?

Ans: In summers, a barbet makes its nest in the holes of tree trunk.

24.  Name the materials used by the sunbird to make its nest.

Ans: The sunbird uses plant fibres, grass, spiderweb and feathers for making its nests.

25.  How the nesting habit of weaver bird is different from other birds?

Ans: i) In case of weaver birds, it is the male who weaves the nest.

ii) The male bird weaves the nest beautifully in different shapes.

iii) The female bird chooses a nest where she feels most comfortable.

26.  Name the materials used by penguins to make their nest.

Ans: Penguins make their nest by using stones and pebbles.

27.  Why the penguin uses stones and pebbles to make its nest?

Ans:i) Penguins live in very cold places.

ii) It is difficult to find twigs, grass, or straw in such places.

iii) So, the penguins collect stones and pebbles to make their nests.  

28.  Name the bird who sings sweetly.

Ans: Koel sings sweetly.

29.  Name the bird which does not make its nest.

Ans: Koel does not make its nest.

30.  Where does the koel lay its egg?

Ans: The koel lays its eggs in the crow’s nest.

31.  What happens to the eggs laid by the koel in the crow’s nest?

Ans: The crow hatches the koel’s eggs along with its own eggs.

32.  “The birds have a challenging job.”- Justify this statement.

Ans:i) At times, some animals like cats, rats and other large birds break the nest of the bird.

ii) Thus, the birds have a challenging job to protect their eggs and young ones.

33.  Why we should not break the nests of birds?

Ans: i) Making a nest is a time-consuming task.

ii) Also, the birds have a challenging job to protect their eggs and young ones from enemies and weather. So, we should not break the nests of birds.

34.  What do you mean by migration?

Ans: Moving from one place to another is called as migration.

35.  Describe the causes of migration of birds. (OR)  Why do birds migrate?

Ans: Birds migrate from one place to another,

i)         To search food

ii)       To protect themselves from extreme cold.

iii)     To escape their enemies.

36.  Name some migratory birds.  (OR) Name the birds who migrate to India during winters.

Ans: Siberian crane, painted stork, flamingo, rosypelican, migrate to India during winters.

37.  When do the migratory birds return to their cooler homes?

Ans: The migratory birds return to their cooler homes when summer starts.

38.  Name the bird who travels a distance of 1,76,000 kilometres, from the Arctic region to the Antarctic region.

Ans: The arctic tern

39.  Name region which is the natural home of the Arctic tern.

Ans: The Arctic region is the natural home of the Arctic tern.

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