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Tuesday 30 November 2021

STD-X, HUMAN EYE AND THE COLOURFUL WORLD- Scattering of Light, Most important MCQs


1.  The scattering of light by colloidal solution is called-

(a) Tyndall effect

(b) Raman effect

(c) Colloidal effect

(d) Refraction effect


ANS: Tyndall effect


2.  Which phenomenon is responsible for making the path of light visible?

(a) Tyndall effect

(b) Total internal refraction effect

(c) Colloidal effect

(d) Refraction effect


ANS: Tyndall effect


3.  Which of the following is not an example of Tyndall effect?

(a) When a fine beam of light enters a smoke filled dark room through a small hole

(b) Twinkling of stars

(c) When sunlight passes through a canopy of dense forest in misty conditions.

(d) Shinning a beam of flashlight into the glass of milk


ANS: Twinkling of stars


4.  The colour of the scattered light depends on ____ of the scattering particles.

(a) colour

(b) speed

(c) size

(d) number


ANS: size


5.  Fine particles mostly scatter ______.

(a) shorter wavelength such as blue

(b) longer wavelength such as blue

(c) shorter wavelength such as red

(d) longer wavelength such as red


ANS: shorter wavelength such as blue


6.  Large size particles mostly scatter-

(a) shorter wavelength such as blue

(b) longer wavelength such as blue

(c) shorter wavelength such as red

(d) longer wavelength such as red


ANS: longer wavelength such as red


7.  The main reason behind the phenomenon of scattering of light is,

(a) light has large wavelength value of the order of few metres

(b) light wave can travel through vacuum

(c) light waves are deflected by fine particles, molecules present in the air

(d) Sun light is composite light with blue as its major constituent


ANS: Light waves are deflected by fine particles, molecules present in the air


8.  If size of particles is comparable to wavelengths of incident light then,

(a) scattering does not take place

(b) all wavelengths will get scattered equally

(c) scattered light appears violet

(d) internal reflection takes place


ANS: all wavelengths will get scattered equally


9.  The blue colour of the sky is due to-

(a) refraction of light

(b) dispersion of light

(c) scattering of light

(d) internal reflection of light


ANS: scattering of light


10.  The clear sky appears blue because,

(a) blue light gets absorbed in the atmosphere

(b) ultraviolet radiations are absorbed in the atmosphere

(c) violet and blue lights get scattered more than lights of all other colours by the atmosphere

(d) light of all other colours is scattered more than the violet and blue colour lights by the atmosphere


ANS: violet and blue lights get scattered more than lights of all other colours by the atmosphere


11.  Though violet colour gets scattered more than blue, sky appears blue instead of violet. This is because-

(a) violet is not a primary colour

(b) violet colour has greater wavelength than blue colour

(c) our eyes are more sensitive to blue as compared to violet

(d) all the above


ANS: our eyes are more sensitive to blue as compared to violet


12.  The appearance of sky in large industrial cities is different from the villages because-

(a) presence of minute particles in large quantity in the atmosphere than in village

(b) cities are situated at higher sea level

(c) electromagnetic signals are constantly telecasted over city sky

(d) presence of minute particles in small quantity in the atmosphere than in village


ANS: presence of minute particles in large quantity in the atmosphere than in village


13.  If the earth had no atmosphere then the sky would have appeared-

(a) blue

(b) red

(c) bright

(d) dark


ANS: dark


14.  The sky appears dark to passengers flying at very high altitudes mainly because

(a) scattering of light is not enough at such heights

(b) there is no atmosphere at great heights

(c) the size of molecules is smaller than the wavelength of visible light

(d) the light gets scattered towards the earth


ANS: there is no atmosphere at great heights


15.  The colour of the sky as seen from the moon is 

(a) blue

(b) white

(c) dark

(d) cyan


ANS: dark


16.  Clouds usually appear white because of-

(a) scattering of light

(b) internal reflection of light

(c) fluctuating refractive index of atmosphere

(d) absorption of light


ANS: scattering of light


17.  The bluish colour of water in deep sea is due to-

(a) the presence of algae and other plants found in water

(b) reflection of sky in water

(c) scattering of light

(d) absorption of light by the sea


ANS: scattering of light


18.  One cannot see through fog, because-

(a) fog absorbs light

(b) the refractive index of fog is infinity

(c) light suffers internal reflection at the droplets in fog completely

(d) light is scattered by the droplets in fog


ANS: light is scattered by the droplets in fog


19.  As red light is scattered the ____ by atmosphere, it can travel ____ distance.

(a) most, smaller

(b) most, larger

(c) least, smaller

(d) least, larger


ANS: least, larger


20.  The danger signals installed at the top of tall buildings are red in colour. These can be easily seen from a distance because among all other colours, the red light-

(a) is scattered the most by smoke or fog

(b) is scattered the least by smoke or fog

(c) is absorbed the most by smoke or fog

(d) moves fastest in air


ANS: is scattered the least by smoke or fog


21.  The Sun appears reddish or orange reddish at the-

(a) sunset

(b) mid-day

(c) sunrise

(d) both (A) and (C)


ANS: both (A) and (C)


22.  Which of the following phenomena contributes significantly to the reddish appearance of the sun at sunrise and sunset?

(a) dispersion of light

(b) scattering of light

(c) total internal reflection of light

(d) reflection of light from the earth


ANS: scattering of light


23.  When the Sun is near the horizon,

(a) no wavelength reach our eyes

(b) only shorter wavelength reach our eyes

(c) only longer wavelength reach our eyes

(d) scattering does not take place


ANS: only longer wavelength reach our eyes


24.  Just after the sunrise, the sunlight has to travel-

(a) longer path through the atmosphere to reach the observer

(b) shorter path through the atmosphere to reach the observer

(c) through dew drops formed by dawn

(d) through atmospheric layers with constant refractive index


ANS: longer path through the atmosphere to reach the observer


25.  The red colour of the sun at the time of sunrise and sunset is because-

(a) red colour is most scattered

(b) blue colour is least scattered

(c) red colour is least scattered

(d) blue colour is most scattered


ANS: red colour is least scattered


26.  At noon the Sun appears white as-

(a) light is least scattered

(b) all the colours of the white light are scattered away

(c) blue colour is scattered the most

(d) red colour is scattered the most


ANS: light is least scattered

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