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Tuesday 30 November 2021


1. Which of the following statements is correct regarding the propagation of light of different colours of white light in air?
(a) Red light moves fastest.
(b) Blue light moves faster than green light.
(c) All the colours of the white light move with the same speed.
(d) Yellow light moves with the mean speed as that of the red and the violet light

ANS: All the colours of the white light move with the same speed


2.  The splitting of light into its component colours is called-
(a) Spectrum
(b) Dispersion
(c) Tyndall effect
(d) Refraction


ANS: Dispersion


3.  Dispersion is caused due to _____ of light.

(a) reflection

(b) refraction

(c) scattering

(d) reflection and refraction


ANS: refraction


4.  The dispersive power of prism depends upon-
(a) The shape of the prism
(b) The material of the prism
(c) The angle of the prism
(d) Height of the prism


ANS: the material of the prism


5.  The dispersive power will be maximum for-
(a) Flint glass (n=1.65)
(b) Crown glass (n=1.51)
(c) Mixture of glass
(d) None of these


ANS: Flint glass

 6.  Sumitra was given two glass prisms. One was made of ordinary glass and other one was of flint glass (Given that refractive index of flint glass is more than that of ordinary glass). She traced the path of rays through both and after observing the diagram and concluded that bending of light for given angle of incidence was

(a) more in the prism made of flint glass

(b) more in the prism made of ordinary glass

(c) same in both the glass prisms

(d) independent of the nature of glass of which the prism was made


ANS: more in the prism made of flint glass

6.  Sumitra was given two glass prisms. One was made of ordinary glass and other one was of flint glass (Given that refractive index of flint glass is more than that of ordinary glass). She traced the path of rays through both and after observing the diagram and concluded that bending of light for given angle of incidence was

(a) more in the prism made of flint glass

(b) more in the prism made of ordinary glass

(c) same in both the glass prisms

(d) independent of the nature of glass of which the prism was made


ANS: more in the prism made of flint glass


7.  For a light travelling in a prism choose the correct option. Inside the prism,

(a) all the colours have same angle of refraction

(b) the colour with more deviation has lesser refractive index

(c) the colour with lesser deviation has more speed

(d) all the colours travel with same speed


ANS: the colour with lesser deviation has more speed


8.  Which of the colours of visible light has maximum wavelength?
(a) Yellow
(b) Red

(c) Violet

(d) Green


ANS: Red


9.  Which of the colours of visible light has minimum frequency?
(a) Yellow
(b) Red

(c) Violet

(d) Green


ANS: Red


10.  Which colour has maximum speed in glass?
(a) Yellow
(b) Red

(c) Violet

(d) Green


ANS: Red


11.  Which ray is least deviated by a prism?
(a) Violet ray
(b) Green ray
(c) Red ray
(d) Yellow ray


ANS: Red ray


12.  For which colour, refractive index of glass is minimum?
(a) Yellow
(b) Red

(c) Violet

(d) Green


ANS: Red


13.  When white light enters a glass prism from air, the angle of deviation is least for
(a) blue light
(b) yellow light
(c) violet light
(d) red light


ANS: red light


14.  Which of the colours of visible light has minimum wavelength?
(a) Yellow
(b) Red

(c) Violet

(d) Green


ANS: Violet


15.  Which of the colours of visible light has maximum frequency?
(a) Yellow
(b) Red

(c) Violet

(d) Green


ANS: Violet


16.  Which colour has minimum speed in glass?
(a) Yellow
(b) Red

(c) Violet

(d) Green


ANS: Violet


17.  Which ray is more deviated by a prism?
(a) Violet ray
(b) Green ray
(c) Red ray
(d) Yellow ray


ANS: Violet ray


18.  When white light enters a glass prism from air, the angle of deviation is maximum for
(a) blue light
(b) yellow light
(c) red light
(d) violet light


ANS: Violet light


19.  For which colour, refractive index of glass is maximum?
(a) Yellow
(b) Red

(c) Violet

(d) Green


ANS: Violet


20.  When white light enters a prism, it gets split into its constituent colours. This is due to

(a) different refractive index for different wavelength of each colour

(b) each colour has the same velocity in the prism.

(c) prism material has high density.

(d) Scattering of light 


ANS: different refractive index for different wavelength of each colour


21.  What is the relation between angle of deviation of a coloured light to its refractive index in the given transparent medium?

(a) lesser the angle of deviation, lesser is its refractive index

(b) higher the angle of deviation, lesser is its refractive index

(c) angle of deviation = C x refractive index

(d) angle of deviation x refractive index = C


ANS: lesser the angle of deviation, lesser is its refractive index


22.  Which of the following is the correct order of angle of deviation?

(a) Red > Green > Blue

(b) Blue > Yellow > Orange

(c) Orange > Red > Green

(d) Blue > Green > Violet


ANS: Blue > Yellow > Orange


23.  Which of the following is the correct order of wavelength?

(a) Red > Green > Yellow

(b) Red > Violet > Green

(c) Yellow > Green > Violet

(d) Red > Yellow > Orange


ANS: Yellow > Green > Violet


24.  Which of the following is the correct order of speed of light in glass?

(a) Red > Green > Blue

(b) Blue > Green > Red

(c) Violet > Red > Green

(d) Green > Red > Blue


ANS: Red > Green > Blue


25.  Which of the following options is Correct?

(a) nviolet > nred

(b) n­red > nviolet

(c) norange > nindigo

(d) norange = nindigo


ANS: nviolet > nred


26.  Which of the following options is correct?

(a) Vgreen < Vyellow

(b) Vgreen > Vyellow

(c) Vindigo > Vblue

(d) Vindigo = Vgreen


ANS: Vgreen < Vyellow


27.  Light of two colours A and B passes through a prism. Colour A deviates more than B from its path of incidence. Choose the correct option. 

(a) A has higher speed than B

(b) A has lesser speed than B

(c) A and B have same speed in prism only

(d) A and B have same speed in air and prism


ANS: A has lesser speed than B


28.  Name the scientist who was the first to use a glass prism to obtain the spectrum of sunlight.
(a) Isaac Newton
(b) Einstein
(c) Kepler
(d) Hans Christian Oersted

ANS: Isaac Newton


29.  When a white light passes through a hollow prism, then there is

(a) dispersion as usual

(b) only red light as emergent light

(c) only blue light as emergent light

(d) no dispersion


ANS: no dispersion


30.  When two prisms are placed parallel with each other but second prism is placed inverted with respect to the first then,

(a) dispersed light is twice brighter

(b) dispersed light is half brighter

(c) no dispersion is observed

(d) spectrum of more than seven colours is seen


ANS: no dispersion is observed


31.  The image shows the dispersion of the white light in the prism.


What will be the colours of the X, Y and Z?

(a) X: red; Y: green; Z: violet

(b) X: violet; Y: green; Z: red

(c) X: green; Y: violet; Z: red

(d) X: red; Y: violet; Z: green


ANS: X: Violet, Y: Green, Z: Red


32.  A prism ABC (with BC as base) is placed in different orientations. A narrow beam of white light is incident on the prism as shown in the Figures given below. In which of the following cases, after dispersion, the third colour from the top corresponds to the colour of the sky?

ANS: ii


33.  Which of the following is a natural phenomenon which is caused by the dispersion of sunlight in the sky?
(a) Twinkling of stars
(b) Stars seem higher than they actually are
(c) Advanced sunrise and delayed sunset
(d) Rainbow


ANS: Rainbow


34.  Which of the following phenomena of light are involved in the formation of a rainbow?
(a) Reflection, refraction and dispersion
(b) Refraction, dispersion and total internal reflection
(c) Refraction, dispersion and internal reflection
(d) Dispersion, scattering and total internal reflection

ANS: Refraction, Dispersion and internal reflection


35.  In the formation of rainbow, the sunlight rays emerge from rain-drop after,

(a) one internal reflection, one dispersion and one refraction

(b) one internal reflection, one dispersion and two refractions

(c) two internal reflections, one dispersion and one refraction

(d) two internal reflections, one dispersion and two refractions


ANS: one internal reflection, one dispersion and two refractions.


36. The rainbow can be seen on sunny day when observer looks at the sky through water fountain and -

(a) the Sun and observer are co-axial with Sun in front of the observer

(b) the observer and clouds are co-axial

(c) the Sun and observer are co-axial with the Sun behind the observer

(d) the Sun and clouds are co-axial

ANS: the Sun and observer are co-axial with Sun behind the observer

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