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                   FROM BASIC TO MASTER LEVEL

Wednesday 8 December 2021


1.  A boy is whirling a stone tied with a string in a horizontal circular path. The string breaks, the stone-

(a) will continue to move in the circular path

(b) will move along a straight line towards the centre of the circular path

(c) will move along a straight line tangential to the circular path

(d) will move along a straight line perpendicular to the circular path away from the boy


ANS: will move along a straight line tangential to the circular path (it is due to inertia of motion)


2.  Neglecting rotation of the earth, if suddenly the attractive power of the earth drops to zero, a man standing on the earth will

(a) fly up                                                                      

(b) slide along the surface

(c) move out tangentially

(d) stand unaffected


ANS: move out tangentially


3.  If suddenly the gravitational force of attraction between earth and a satellite revolving around it becomes zero, then the satellite will-

(a) continue to move in its orbit with same velocity

(b) move tangentially and escape away

(c) become stationary in its orbit

(d) move towards the Earth


ANS: move tangentially and escape away


4.  The universal law of gravitation was proposed by

(a) Copernicus

(b) Newton

(c) Galileo

(d) Archimedes


ANS: Newton


5. Newton’s law of gravitation is valid-

(a) on the earth only

(b) on the moon only

(c) in the laboratory only

(d) everywhere


ANS: everywhere


6.  Newton’s Law of gravitation:

(a) can be verified in the laboratory

(b) cannot be verified but is true

(c) is valid only on Earth

(d) is valid only in the solar system


ANS: can be verified in the laboratory


7.  Law of gravitation is applicable for-

(a) heavy bodies only

(b) medium sized bodies only

(c) small sized bodies only

(d) bodies of any size


ANS: bodies of any size


8.  Law of gravitation gives the gravitational force between-

(a) the earth and a point mass only

(b) the earth and sun only

(c) any two bodies having some mass

(d) two charged bodies only


ANS: any two bodies having some mass


9.  The type of force which exists between charged bodies is-

(a) only gravitational

(b) neither gravitational

(c) only electrical

(d) both electrical and gravitational


ANS: both electrical and gravitational


10.  The gravitational force is-

(a) the weakest force

(b) the strongest force

(c) a short-range force

(d) non-central force


ANS: the weakest force


11.  Gravitational force is a-

(a) repulsive force

(b) action at a distance force

(c) neither (a) nor (b)

(d) both (a) and (b)


ANS: neither (a) nor (b)


12.  Two particles are kept at a separation r. The gravitational force between them is proportional to-

(a) r

(b) r2

(c) 1/r

(d) 1/r2


ANS: 1/r2


13.  The universal law of gravitation is the force law also known as the-

(a) triangular law

(b) square law

(c) inverse square law

(d) parallelogram law


ANS: inverse square law


14.  Inverse square law means,

(a)  r

(b) r-1

(c)  r-2

(d)  r2


ANS: r-2


15.  The force of gravitation between two bodies does not depend on-

(a) their separation

(b) product of their masses

(c) sum of their masses

(d) gravitational constant


ANS: sum of their masses


16.  Force of attraction between two bodies does not depend upon

(a) the shape of bodies

(b) the distance between their centres

(c) the magnitude of their masses

(d) the gravitational constant


ANS: the shape of bodies


17.  Gravitational force (F) between earth of mass M and an object of mass m lying on the surface of the earth (radius of earth = R) is-




18.  The equation of Gravitational force  is valid for-

(a) rectangular bodies

(b) circular bodies

(c) elliptical bodies

(d) spherical bodies


ANS: spherical bodies


19.  In the relation of Gravitational force, the quantity G

(a) depends on the value of g at a place

(b) is used only when earth is one of the two masses

(c) is universal constant in nature

(d) is greatest at the surface of the earth


ANS: is universal constant in nature


20.  Force of attraction between two objects each of mass 1 kg and separated by 1 m is called-

(a) gravitational potential

(b) acceleration due to gravity

(c) gravitational field

(d) universal gravitational constant


ANS: universal gravitational constant


21.  The force of gravitation between two bodies of mass 1 kg each kept at a distance of 1 m is-

(a) 6.67 N

(b) 6.67 x 10-9 N

(c) 6.67 x 10-7 N

(d) 6.67 x 10-11 N


ANS: 6.67 x 10-11 N


22.  Order of magnitude of G in S.I. unit is-

(a) 10-11

(b) 1011

(c) 10-7

(d) 107


ANS: 10-11


23.  The universal constant of gravitation G has the SI unit-

(a) N

(b) m/s2

(c) Nm2/kg2

(d) J


ANS: Nm2/kg2


24.  The CGS unit of gravitational constant (G) is-

(a) N m2 kg-2

(b) dyne cm2 kg-2

(c) dyne cm2 g-2

(d) N cm2 g-2


ANS: dyne cm2 g-2


25.  The value of gravitational constant in CGS units is-

(a) 6.67 x 10-11

(b) 6.67 x 10-8

(c) 6.67 x 10-7

(d) 6.67 x 10-14


ANS: 6.67 x 10-8


26.  The ratio of SI unit to CGS unit of G is-

(a) 103

(b) 102

(c) 10-2

(d) 10-3


ANS: 10-3


27.  The value of G depends on-

(a) masses of the bodies

(b) distance between the bodies

(c) both (a) and (b)

(d) None


ANS: none

28.  The value of G in year 1900 was 6.673 x 10-11 Nm2kg-2. Then the value of G in the year 2025 will be,

(a) 6.671 x 10-11

(b) 6.673 x 10-2

(c) 6.673 x 10-11

(d) 6.671 x 10-9


ANS: 6.673 x 10-11


29.  If the value of G on the surface of earth is 6.773 x 10-11 Nm2kg-2, then the value of G on the planet Jupiter is,

(a) 12 x 6.773 x 10-11 Nm2kg-2

(b)  x 10-11 Nm2kg-2

(c) 6.673 x 10-11 Nm2kg-2

(d)   x 10-11 Nm2kg-2


ANS: 6.673 x 10-11 Nm2kg-2


30.  Which of the following statements regarding gravitational force existing between two bodies is TRUE?

(a) first body exerts attractive force on second body while second body exerts repulsive force on first body

(b) the gravitational force is zero when they are kept in vacuum

(c) force exerted by the first body on second is not equal to the force exerted by second body on first

(d) force exerted by first body on second body is equal to the force exerted by second body on first


ANS: force exerted by first body on second body is equal to the force exerted by second body on first


31.  The earth attracts the moon with a force F. The moon will attract the earth with a force

(a) F/2

(b) 2F

(c) F/4

(d) F




32.  The earth attracts the moon with a gravitational force of 1020 N. Then, the moon attracts the earth with a gravitational force of,

(a) 10-20 N

(b) 1020 N

(c) 102 N

(d) 1010 N


ANS: 1020 N


33. When an apple falls from a tree -

(a) only earth attracts the apple

(b) only apple attracts the earth

(c) both the earth and the apple attract each other

(d) none attracts each other


ANS: both the earth and the apple attract each other


34.  An apple falls from a tree because of gravitational attraction between the earth and apple. If F1 is the magnitude of force exerted by the earth on the apple and F2 is the magnitude of force exerted by apple on earth, then

(a) F1 is very much greater than F2

(b) F2 is very much greater than F1

(c) F1 is only a little greater than F2

(d) F1 and F2 are equal


ANS: F1 and F2 are equal


35.  The force acting on a ball due to earth has a magnitude Fb and that acting on the earth due to the ball has a magnitude Fe, then-

(a) Fb = Fe

(b) Fb > Fe

(c) Fb < Fe

(d) Fe = 0


ANS: Fb = Fe


36.  Two masses m and M are kept at a distance r. The ratio of the force exerted on m due to M and that of M due to m is equal to-

(a) m : M

(b) M : m

(c) mr : M

(d) 1 : 1


ANS: 1 : 1


37.  Two particles of mass m1 and m2, approach each other due to their mutual gravitational attraction only. Then-

(a) accelerations of both the particles are equal

(b) acceleration of the particle of mass m1 is proportional to m1

(c) acceleration of the particle of mass m1 is proportional to m2

(d) acceleration of the particle of mass m1 is inversely proportional to m1


ANS: acceleration of the particle of mass m1 is proportional to m2


38.  Two objects attract each other by gravitational force F. If mass of one object is doubled, the gravitational force between these objects will be,

(a) F/2

(b) F

(c) 2F

(d) 4F




39.  Two objects attract each other by a force F. If masses of both the objects are doubled, the force between these objects will be-

(a) F/2

(b) F

(c) 2F

(d) 4F




40.  The gravitational force between two objects is F. If masses of both objects are halved without changing distance between them, then the gravitation force would become-

(a) F/4

(b) F/2

(c) F

(d) 2F


ANS: F/4


41.  The gravitational force between two iron balls is 4 N. If the distance between the balls is reduced to half, the gravitational force between the balls will be

(a) N/2

(b) 2 N

(c) 4 N

(d) 16 N


ANS: 16 N


42.  The mass of a body is increased 4 fold and mass of other body is increased 16 fold. How should the distance between them be changed to keep the same gravitational force between them?

(a) 4 times

(b) ¼ times

(c) 8 times

(d) 1/8 times


ANS: 8 times


43.  The gravitational force of attraction between two bodies at a certain distance is 70 N. If the distance of separation between them is doubled, then find the percentage change in force of attraction?

(a) decreases by 25%

(b) decreases by 75%

(c) increases by 50%

(d) increases by 75%


ANS: decreases by 75%


44.  When the medium between two bodies changes, force of gravitation between them

(a) will increase

(b) will decrease

(c) will change according to the environment

(d) remains same


ANS: remains same


45.  The gravitational force between two masses kept at a certain distance is x N. The same two masses are now kept in water and the distance between them are same. The gravitational force between these masses in water is y N. Then,

(a) x = y

(b) x < y

(c) x > y

(d) can’t say


ANS: x = y

46.  The atmosphere is held to the earth by

(a) gravity

(b) clouds

(c) wind

(d) earth’s magnetic field


ANS: gravity


47.  The gravitational effect of which of the following causes tidal waves in sea-

(a) earth

(b) moon

(c) sun

(d) none


ANS: moon


48.  Which of the following forces is responsible for the flow of water in rivers?

(a) Force of friction

(b) Gravitational force

(c) Electrostatic force

(d) Magnetic force


ANS: Gravitational force

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