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                   FROM BASIC TO MASTER LEVEL

Tuesday 21 December 2021


1.  Define the term energy.

ANS: Energy of a body is defined as its capacity or ability to do work. When a body is capable of doing more work, it is said to possess more energy.

2.  How does the energy of an object change when it performs work or work is done on it?

ANS: When an object does work, it loses energy. When work is done on an object, the object gains energy.


3.  How does an object with energy do work?

ANS: An object that possesses energy can exert a force on another object. When this happens, energy is transferred from the former to the latter. The second object may move as it receives energy and therefore do some work. Thus, the first object has a capacity to do work. This implies that any object that possesses energy can do work.


4.  Is energy a scalar or vector quantity?

ANS: Energy is a scalar quantity as it has only magnitude and no direction.


5.  What is the SI unit of energy?

ANS: The SI unit of energy is joule (J).


6.  Why are the units of energy the same as those of work?

ANS: Since energy is measured by the amount of work that a body can do, so units of energy are the same as those of work.


7.  Define 1 Joule of energy.

ANS: One joule of energy is the energy required to do 1 joule of work.


8.  Which physical quantity has a unit electron volt (eV)?

ANS: Energy


9.  Which physical quantity has a unit kilo-watt hour (kWh)?

ANS: Energy


10.  Calorie is the unit of _____.

ANS: Energy


11.  1 Joule equals to _____ calorie.

ANS: 4.186 calorie


12.  Name the natural source of energy for us.

ANS: The sun is the natural source of energy for us.


13.  What are the various forms of energy?

ANS: The various forms of energy are, mechanical energy, heat (thermal) energy, chemical energy, sound energy, chemical energy, electrical energy, nuclear energy and solar energy.


14.  Define heat or thermal energy.

ANS: The energy possessed by a body due to its temperature is known as heat or thermal energy.


15.  Define chemical energy.

ANS: The energy released in chemical reactions is known as chemical energy.


16.  Define Sound energy.

ANS: The energy of a vibrating body producing sound is known as sound energy.


17.  Define Electrical energy.

ANS: The energy of moving electrons in a conductor connected with a battery is known as electrical energy.


18.  Define Nuclear energy.

ANS: The energy released when two nuclei of light elements combine with each other to form a heavy nucleus or when a heavy nucleus breaks into two light nuclei is known as nuclear energy.


19.  Define Solar energy.

ANS: The energy radiated by the sun is known as solar energy.


20.  What is mechanical energy?

ANS: The energy produced by mechanical means is called mechanical energy. (or)

 The sum of kinetic and potential energy of a body is called its mechanical energy.


21.  What do you understand by kinetic energy of a body?

ANS: The energy possessed by a body by virtue of its motion is called its ‘kinetic energy’.

A moving body can do work. The amount of work which a moving object can do before coming to rest is equal to its kinetic energy.


22.  Does an object in motion have ability to do work?

ANS: Yes, because it possesses kinetic energy.


9.  Give some examples where an object possesses kinetic energy?

ANS: (i) A moving vehicle (bus, car, train etc.)

(ii) moving objects (ball, bullet etc.)

(iii) blowing winds

(iv) running athlete

(v) flowing water or falling water

(vi) a falling object (ball, fruit, meteors etc.)

(vii) flying aircraft


23.  What type of energy is possessed by a cricket ball just before caught by a fielder?

ANS: Kinetic energy


24.  What type of energy is possessed by flowing water?

ANS: kinetic energy


25.  Identify the energy possessed by a rolling stone.

ANS: kinetic energy


26.  Identify the kind of energy possessed by a running athlete.

ANS: kinetic energy


27.  Derive an expression for the kinetic energy of an object of mass ‘m’ moving with an acceleration ‘a’.

ANS: Mass of the body = m

Let’s consider, the initial velocity = u

Force applied on the body = F

Acceleration produced in the body in the direction of force = a

The final velocity of the body = v

Displacement of the object during this journey = s


As, v2 – u2 = 2as

Therefore, a = v2 – u2/2s


As the force and displacement are in the same direction, the work done on the body is,


W = F.s

W = ma.s

W = ms (v2 – u2)/2s

W = ½ m(v2 – u2)


This work done appears as the kinetic energy of the body.

Therefore, K.E. = EK = ½ m(v2 – u2)


28.  Derive an expression for the kinetic energy of an object of mass ‘m’ moving with a uniform velocity ‘v’.

ANS:  We have the expression for kinetic energy,

                                                         EK = ½ m(v2 – u2)

When it is moving with uniform velocity, we can put, u=0

Thus the expression for the kinetic energy of an object moving with a uniform velocity becomes, EK = ½ m(v2 – 02)

                   EK = ½ mv2


29.  State the factors on which the kinetic energy of a body depends.

ANS: (i) K.E. of a body is directly proportional to its mass i.e. K.E. a m

(ii) K.E. of a body is directly proportional to the square of its velocity. K.E. a v2


30.  Can the kinetic energy of an object be negative?

ANS: No, as both m and v2 are always positive.


31.  What will be the kinetic energy of a body when its mass is made four times and the velocity is doubled?

ANS: We have, KE1= ½ mv2

According to the question, mI = 4 m  and vI = 2 v

Then, KE2= ½ mI(vI)2

           KE2 = ½ 4m. (2v)2

          KE2 = ½ 4m. 4v2

          KE2 =16.  ½ mv2

Or,    KE2 =16. (KE1)

Thus the K.E. becomes 16 times its original value.


32.  What change should be affected in the velocity of a body to maintain the same kinetic energy, if its mass is increased four times?

ANS: KE1 = ½ mv2

If mass is increased four times, KE2 = ½ 4mv2

                                                                 = 4. ½mv2

                                                                 = 4 x KE1

Thus, if mass is increased four times, the kinetic energy also becomes four times.


Thus, to maintain the same kinetic energy, the velocity must be reduced to half.


33.  What will cause greater change in kinetic energy of a body? Changing its mass or changing its velocity?

ANS: Change in velocity will cause greater change in kinetic energy because

 34.  What is the SI unit of kinetic energy?

ANS: Joule

35.  A car and a truck are moving with the same velocity of 60 km/hr. Which one has more kinetic energy?

ANS: Since mass of truck is greater than the mass of car and both have same velocity, therefore, K.E. of truck > K.E. of car


36.  A bus and a car have same KE. Which of the two is moving fast? Explain.

ANS: The KE is given by, KE= ½ mv2  => v = √2KE/√m

As KE of both bus and car is same, so v a 1/√m

Since, mass of car is less than that of bus, so the car is moving faster than the bus.


37.  Give one example, where mass is large but kinetic energy is less.

ANS: A shot put thrown by an athlete.


38.  Give one example, where mass is small but kinetic energy is high.

ANS: A hockey ball which has been hit hard by a player and is travelling fast.


39.  Does a man standing at rest on a moving car possess kinetic energy?

ANS: Yes, because he is sharing the motion of the car and so he possesses kinetic energy.


40.  Two bodies of same mass start from rest and move with velocities V and 2V respectively. Find the ratio of their kinetic energies.

41.  A blacksmith uses a heavier hammer than a goldsmith. Why?

ANS: We know that kinetic energy is directly proportional to the mass of the body. Therefore, if the mass of the body is large, the kinetic energy is large. For this reason, a blacksmith uses a heavier hammer than a goldsmith.

42.  Derive a relationship between kinetic energy and linear momentum.

43.  If momentum of a body is doubled, the kinetic energy becomes _____ times.

ANS: As kinetic energy is proportional to the square of the momentum, so if momentum of a body is doubled, the kinetic energy becomes 4 times.

44.  Two bodies of masses m1 and m2 have equal kinetic energies. What is the ratio of their linear momenta?

45.  Two balls have different masses but same kinetic energy. Which has the greater momentum? Justify.

    Thus, momentum of the ball of large mass is more.

46.  A light and a heavy object have the same momentum, find out the ratio of their kinetic energies. Which one has a larger kinetic energy?

47.  Can a body have momentum without possessing energy?

ANS: No, if a body has momentum, it will be in motion and will certainly possess kinetic energy.


48.  Define potential energy.

ANS: The energy possessed by a body by virtue of its position or shape or configuration is called its ‘potential energy’.


49.  Explain by an example that a body may possess energy even when it is not in motion.

ANS: A stone lying on the roof of the building has potential energy. When the stone is lifted up, work has to be done on it against the force of gravity which is stored in it as potential energy. When allowed to fall, it has capacity to do an equal amount of work.


50.  Give some examples where an object possesses potential energy?

ANS: (i) Stretched strings of catapult

(ii) stretched bow and arrow has potential energy due to its shape

(iii) a stretched or compressed spring or a rubber band due to its shape

(iv) energy possessed by the water in a tank on the roof of a building

(v) water stored in a dam has potential energy due to its position

(vi) a stone lying on the top of a hill or a mountain has potential energy due to its position

51.  Write an expression for potential energy.  

ANS: The potential energy of a body is given by, PE = mgh.


52.  Write the SI unit of potential energy.

ANS: The SI unit of potential energy is joule (J).


53.  Give one example of body having potential energy due to change of shape.

ANS: Spring of a watch or stretched bow and arrow


54.  Name the type of energy possessed by a raised hammer.

ANS: Potential energy


55.  In what form, energy is stored in a wrist watch?

ANS: Potential energy


56.  How is energy stored in a watch?

ANS: In winding a watch, work is done in compressing the spring which is stored in it as potential energy. As the spring expands, it does work and moves the hands of the watch.


57.  Can the potential energy of an object be negative?

ANS: Yes, potential energy is negative when forces involved are attractive.


58. What are the types of potential energies?

ANS: Potential energy is generally of three types: Elastic potential energy, gravitational potential energy and chemical potential energy.


59.  Define elastic potential energy.

ANS: The energy possessed by an object due to change in shape or configuration, is called as elastic potential energy.


60.  Give an example of an object having elastic potential energy?

ANS: A stretched or compressed spring has elastic potential energy.


61.  Define gravitational potential energy.

ANS: The energy possessed by an object due to its height from the surface of the earth, is called gravitational potential energy.


62.  What are the properties of gravitational potential energy?

ANS: (i) Gravitational potential energy of a body lying on the surface of earth is taken as zero.

(ii) The gravitational potential energy of the body increases as the height of the body from the surface of the earth increases. (i.e. when the body moves away from the surface of the earth)

(iii) The gravitational potential energy of the body decreases as the height of the body from the surface of the earth decreases. (i.e. when the body falls towards the surface of the earth)


63.  Derive an expression for the potential energy of a body of mass ‘m’ at a height ‘h’ from the ground.

ANS: The object is being raised to the height ‘h’ against gravity.

Minimum force required to lift the object, 

                                                            F = Weight of body = mg

Distance travelled by the object, S = h

Therefore, work done by the force on the object,  

                                                            W = F.S = mgh

This work done against force of gravity is equal to the potential energy or gravitational potential energy of the object.

Therefore, P.E. = mgh


64.  State the factors on which the gravitational potential energy of a body depends.

ANS: The gravitational potential energy of a body depends upon,

(i) the weight of the object (mg)

(ii) the height of the object from the surface of the earth (h)

65.  Does the work done depend upon how fast an object is raised?

ANS: Work done depends on the force applied and distance travelled by an object. It does not depend on how fast an object is raised.


66.  Does the gravitational potential energy of a body depend on the path along which the body is moved?

ANS: No. The gravitational potential energy depends only on the initial and final positions of the body.


67.  “The gravitational potential energy of a body does not depend on the path along which the body is moved.”- Prove this.

ANS: Consider a block of mass ‘m’ raised through height h from position A to B along path (a) and path (b).


In case of path (a),

When the block is raised through a height h, from A to B, the work done is given by 

W = mg.h

This work done on the block is stored inside the block as its gravitational potential energy.

 Hence, gravitational potential energy of the block at B when taken along path (a) = mgh …. (i)  

In case of path (b),

When the block is raised through height h1, from A to C, work done is given by,

WAC = mgh1    …….. (ii)

When the block is taken from C  to D, then no work is done against gravity because the force of gravity acts perpendicular to the displacement of the ball.

Thus, WCD = 0  ……. (iii)

Now, when the block is raised through a height h2 from position D to E, then the work done is given by, WDE = mgh2  …….. (iv)

When the block is taken from E to B, then no work is done against gravity because the force of gravity acts perpendicular to the displacement of the ball.

Thus, WEB = 0  ……. (v)


Now the total work done in raising the block from A to B is given by,


WAB = mgh1 + 0 + mgh2 + 0

WAB = mg(h1 + h2)

WAB = mgh

This work done on the object is stored as its gravitational potential energy.

Hence, gravitational potential energy of the block at B when taken along path (b) = mgh …(vi)

From equation (i) and (vi), we conclude that the gravitational potential energy of a body does not depend upon the path followed by the body in going from initial position to final position.

68.  At the bottom of the waterfall, water is warmer than at the top. Give reason.

ANS: When water falls on the ground, its mechanical energy (KE+PE) is converted into heat energy, due to which the temperature of water at the bottom of the waterfall increases.


69.  When an arrow is shot, from where does the arrow acquire its kinetic energy?

ANS: A stretched bow has potential energy due to the change in its shape. To shot the arrow, the bow has to be released. Therefore, its potential energy is converted into the kinetic energy of the arrow.


70.  What is meant by transformation of energy? Explain with the help of two suitable examples.

ANS: One form of energy can be converted into other forms of energy, this phenomenon is called transformation of energy.

(i) When we throw a ball, muscular energy which is stored in our body, gets converted into kinetic energy of ball.

(ii) The wound spring in the toy car possesses potential energy. As the spring is released, its potential energy changes into kinetic energy due to which, toy car moves.

71.  Does the transfer of energy take place when you push a huge rock with all your might and fail to move it? Where is the energy you spend going?

ANS: Yes, our muscular energy is spent in doing work against friction between the rock and the ground. Thus, our muscular energy is converted into heat energy. The heat energy is transferred to atmosphere.

72.  A body is thrown vertically upwards, its velocity goes on decreasing. What happens to its kinetic energy when it stops at the top.

ANS: The whole of its kinetic energy gets converted into potential energy.


73.  Can any object have mechanical energy even if its momentum is zero?

ANS: Since, mechanical energy is the sum of kinetic energy and potential energy. And as given that, momentum of the body is zero, it means velocity of the body is zero, so it has kinetic energy equals to zero. But it may have potential energy. So, even if the momentum of the body is zero, it may have mechanical energy.


74.  Can any object have momentum even if its mechanical energy is zero?

ANS: Since, mechanical energy = kinetic energy + potential energy

If mechanical energy = 0

Potential energy = - kinetic energy

So, we can say that body may have momentum in case mechanical energy is zero.


75.  The head of a nail becomes warm when it is hammered into a plank of wood. Explain stating the series of energy transformation taking place.

 ANS: The potential energy of a raised hammer is converted into the kinetic energy when hammer falls down. Then this kinetic energy of the falling hammer is converted into heat energy when it strikes the head of a nail. Therefore the head of the nail becomes warm.


76.  Why does a driver speed up his vehicle when he moves up a hill?

ANS: As the vehicle moves up the hill, its kinetic energy gradually changes into potential energy, so to move it up further, it needs more of kinetic energy which is obtained by increasing its speed.


77.  Give two examples in which a body possesses both K.E. and P.E. at the same time.

ANS: (i) An aeroplane flying at a certain height has both K.E. and P.E.

         (ii) A body falling freely from a certain height possesses both K.E and P.E.


78.  A battery lights up a bulb. Describe the energy change involved in the process.

ANS: The chemical energy of the battery changes into electrical energy which is then converted into light energy and heat energy.

79.  When a ball is thrown upwards, its velocity goes on decreasing. What happens to its potential energy as its velocity becomes zero?

ANS: Potential energy of the ball goes on increasing when its kinetic energy decreases. Potential energy becomes maximum and equal to initial kinetic energy when the velocity of the ball becomes zero.

80.  The potential energy of a freely falling object decreases progressively. Does this violate the law of conservation of energy? Why?

ANS: No. As the potential energy of a freely falling object decreases, the object acquires more and more speed. So, the kinetic energy of the object increases at the cost of its potential energy. However, total energy of the object remains the same at every point.

81.  A freely falling object eventually stops on reaching the ground. What happens to its kinetic energy?

ANS: A freely falling object just before hitting the ground has maximum kinetic energy. After falling it rolls on the rough ground and finally comes to rest. The kinetic energy of the object is used up in doing work against friction; which finally appears as heat energy.

82.  What are the various energy transformations that occur when you are riding a bicycle?

ANS: Our muscular energy is converted into the kinetic energy of the bicycle. A part of the muscular energy is used in doing work against friction of the road. This part of the muscular energy changes into heat.

83.  When we switch on the electric bulbs, one form of energy is converted into another form. Name these forms of energy.

ANS: Electrical energy is converted into light and heat energy.

84.  Write the energy transformation that takes place at thermal power station.

ANS: The Chemical energy stored inside the coal converts into heat energy on combustion. This heat converts water into steam. The heat energy of the steam is converted into mechanical energy when it turns blades of a turbine. The mechanical energy so obtained is converted into electrical energy by the generators.

85.  State the transformation of energy taking place when green plants prepare their food.

ANS: The green leaves convert the solar energy into chemical energy (stored as food).


86.  State the transformation of energy taking place when head of a nail is hammered hard and it becomes hot.

ANS: Kinetic energy of the hammer is converted into the heat energy.

87.  Our hands become warm when rubbed against each other. Explain.

ANS: The kinetic energy of our hands gets converted into heat energy in overcoming the frictional force. 

88.  State the law of conservation of energy.

ANS: When one form of energy is changed or transformed into other forms of energy, the total energy of an isolated system remains the same i.e.,

The total energy before transformation = the sum of the different energies transformed

Thus, the law of conservation of energy states that, “energy can neither be created nor be destroyed, but can be changed from one form to another form.”


89.  Prove that – “mechanical energy of a freely falling body is conserved.”

ANS: Consider a body of mass ‘m’ at a height h above the ground. Suppose this position of the body is A (reference level). Suppose the body is at rest at A i.e. v = 0

At position A

Potential energy of the body, P.E. = mgh

Kinetic energy of the body, K.E. = 0

Therefore, Total mechanical energy of the body at A = P.E. + K.E. = mgh + 0 = mgh


Let the body now falls freely under the action of gravity to position B through a height x.

The height of the body from the ground = (h-x)

The velocity of the ball after time t can be found by using equation of motion.

u = 0, a =g, s = x, v = vB

Using, vB2 – u2 = 2as

vB2 – u2 = 2gx

vB2 = 2gx

At position B

Potential energy of the body, P.E. = mg (h-x)   {as the height of B from ground= (h-x)}

Kinetic energy of the body, K.E. = ½ m vB2

                                                          = ½ m. 2gx

                                                          = mgx

Therefore, Total mechanical energy of the body at B = P.E. + K.E. = mg(h-x) + mgx = mgh


Finally let the body touches the ground at C, so that the distance through which it falls = h

The velocity of the ball just before touching the ground can be found by using equation of motion.

u = 0, a =g, s = h, v = vc

Using, vc2 – u2 = 2as

vc2 – u2 = 2gh

vc2 = 2gh


At position C

Potential energy of the body, P.E. = mg (0) = 0          

Kinetic energy of the body, K.E. = ½ m vc2

                                                          = ½ m. 2gh

                                                          = mgh

Therefore, Total mechanical energy of the body at B = P.E. + K.E. = 0 + mgh = mgh


Hence, it is proved that the total mechanical energy of a body at any instant during free fall remains constant.


90.  Name some man-made devices which convert one form of energy into another form.








Electrical energy

Kinetic energy


Electric lamp

Electrical energy

Light energy


Electrical heaters

Electrical energy

Heat energy



Electrical energy

Sound energy


Water pump

Electrical energy

Kinetic energy of impeller to potential energy of water



Chemical energy

Electrical energy



Sound energy

Electrical energy to again sound energy


Rechargeable cell (During discharging)

Chemical energy

Electrical energy


Rechargeable cell (During charging)

Electrical energy

Chemical energy



Electrical energy

Sound energy


Elevator moving up

Electrical energy

Potential energy



Electrical energy

Sound energy, Light energy


Thermal power plant

Chemical energy of coal

Electrical energy



Chemical energy of petrol/diesel

Mechanical energy


Nuclear power plant

Nuclear energy

Electrical energy


Solar cell

Solar energy

Electrical energy



Potential energy of wound spring

K.E of hands of a watch



Mechanical energy

Electrical energy

90.  State the physical quantity which will be affected by changing the rate of doing work.

ANS: Power


92.  Define power.

93.  A boy and a girl do the same work in 6 minutes and 9 minutes respectively. Which of these two has more power and why?

ANS: As,

So, as the boy takes less time to do the same work as compared to the girl, so power of the boy will be more than that of the girl.

94.  Two persons A and B do same amount of work. The person A does that work tA seconds and person B in tB seconds. Find the ratio of power delivered by them

95.  Why do we say that a lift delivers more power in taking a man up than that delivered by the man climbing stairs through the same height?

ANS: It is true to say that a lift delivers more power in taking a man up than that delivered by him climbing the stairs through same height. It is because, lift takes less time in taking the man up, so it delivers more power.


96.  Define average power.

ANS: The power of an agent may vary with time. This means that the agent may be doing work at different rates at different intervals of time. Therefore, the concept of average power is useful.

97.  What is the SI unit of power?

ANS: Watt (or) joule/second

98.  Define 1 watt.

ANS: If 1 Joule of work is done by a machine or an agent in 1 second, then its power is 1 watt.

(or) If 1 Joule of energy is consumed by a machine in 1 second, then its power is 1 watt.


99.  Name some bigger units of power.

ANS: Some bigger units of power are, kilowatt, megawatt and gigawatt.

1 kilowatt (KW) = 103 watt

1 megawatt (MW) = 106 watt

1 gigawatt (GW) = 109 watt


100.  Name the practical unit of power.

ANS: horse power (h.p.)


101.  How the SI unit of power and the practical unit of power are related?

ANS: 1 horse power (h.p.) = 746 W


102.  Express Kilowatt in terms of joules per second.

ANS: 1 Kilowatt = 1000 W

Since, 1 W = 1 Js-1

Therefore, 1 Kilowatt = 1000 J s-1

103.  Deduce the relationship between power, force and velocity.

104.  Derive some other units of power.

ANS: As, P = F.V

So, unit of power = N.m/s

(or) unit of power = kg.m2/s3

105.  Name the commercial unit of electric energy.

ANS: Commercial unit of energy is kilowatt-hour (kWh) or Board of Trade (B.O.T.) Unit.


106.  Define one kilowatt-hour.

ANS: One kilowatt-hour is defined as the electric energy consumed by an appliance of power 1000 watt in one hour.


107.  Establish a relationship between SI unit of energy (Joule) and commercial unit of energy (kWh).

ANS: 1 kilowatt-hour = 1000 Watt hour

                                       = 1000 J/s x 3600 s

                                       = 3600000 J

Therefore, 1 kilowatt-hour = 3.6 x 106 J


108.  Differentiate between kilowatt and kilowatt hour.

ANS: Kilowatt is the unit of power. 1 kilowatt = 1000 JS-1

Kilowatt-hour is the unit of electric energy. 1 Kilowatt-hour = 3.6 x 106 J

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