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                   FROM BASIC TO MASTER LEVEL

Monday 13 December 2021


1.  Define physical quantities.


ANS: Quantities, which are measurable, are called physical quantities.


2.  Give some examples of physical quantities.


ANS: Mass, Distance, Time, Temperature are some examples of physical quantities.


3.  What do you mean by the term ‘measurement’?


ANS: Measurement is basically a process of comparison of some unknown quantity with some known fixed quantity.


4.  To express the measurement in a proper and complete way we need ____ things.


ANS: two


5.  Name the things needed to express the measurement in a proper and complete way.


ANS: The two things needed to express the measurement in a proper and complete way are, number and unit.


6.  Define the term ‘unit’.


ANS: Unit is a fixed known quantity in terms of which other quantities may be expressed.


7.  What do you mean by Non-standard units?


ANS: The units which are not internationally accepted and vary from person to person, place to place, are called as non-standard units.


8.  Give some examples of Non-standard units.


ANS: Some examples of non-standard units are, hand span, cubit, arm span, foot span and pace.


9.  Define ‘hand span’.


ANS: Distance, from the tip of the thumb to the tip of little finger, in a stretched hand, is called as hand span.


10.  One hand span measures approximately ______ inches.


ANS: 9 inches


11.  Define a ‘cubit’.


ANS: The length of a forearm is called as a cubit.


12.  One cubit measures approximately ______ inches.


ANS: 18 inches


13.  Define ‘arm span’.


ANS: The length from one end of an individual’s arms to the other when raised parallel to the ground at shoulder height at a 900 angle, is called as arm span or wing span.


14.  Define ‘foot span’.


ANS: The distance between the point of the toe and the heel of the foot, is called as foot span.


15.  Define the unit ‘pace’.


ANS: Pace is the distance covered in either one normal walking step or in a double step returning to the same foot.


16.  Why is a hand span/ cubit/ arm span/ foot step or pace, not used as a standard unit of length?


ANS: Because they vary from person to person and thus cannot give us correct measurement.


17.  Define a ‘standard unit’.


ANS: A standard unit is an accepted unit, of a given physical quantity, used by different people, all over the world.


18.  Give some examples of standard units.


ANS: metre, second, kilogram are some standard units.


19.  What do you mean by SI units.


ANS: The standard set of units which are used, accepted, all over the world, is known as the International System of Units or simply the SI units.


20.  What is the SI unit of length?


ANS: The SI unit of length is metre. It is denoted by ‘m’.


21.  What is the SI unit of time?


ANS: The SI unit of time is second. It is denoted by ‘s’.


22. What is the SI unit of mass? 


ANS: The SI unit of mass is kilogram. It is denoted as ‘kg’.


23.  What is the SI unit of temperature?


ANS: The SI unit of temperature is Kelvin. It is written as ‘K’.