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Wednesday 29 July 2020



1.      _________ is the underground part of a plant.

Ans: Root

2.      Roots absorb ______ and _______ for the plant.

Ans: Water and Minerals

3.      Neem and peepal have ______ roots.

Ans: Tap roots

4.      _______ and ______ are edible roots.

Ans: Radish, Carrot, Beetroot (any two)

5.      Mangrove plants have ______ roots.

Ans: Aerial roots


1.      Carrot and beetroot store food in them.                                                                       True

2.      Beans and rose have fibrous roots.                                                                                False

3.      All roots are edible.                                                                                                         False

4.      Roots do not get sufficient oxygen in marshy areas.                                                    True




1.      The root of this plant stores food-

(a)   Mango        (b) Apple          (c)  Banana       (d) Carrot

      Ans: Carrot

2.      This plant has a tap root –

(a)   Banana       (b) Grass           (c) Wheat           (d) Rose

      Ans: Rose

3.      These plants have breathing roots –

(a)   Mangrove       (b)  Apple       (c) Neem       (d) Peepal

       Ans: Mangrove


1.      Name the two different types of roots.

Ans: The two different types of roots are, Tap root and Fibrous roots.

2.      Give two examples of plants having fibrous roots.

Ans: Two plants having fibrous roots are, grass and banana.

3.      Why do aerial roots need to come out of the soil?

Ans: Aerial roots need to come out of the soil to get fresh air from the atmosphere.


1.      Draw the shape of the tap root and the fibrous root. 

1.      2.  In what way(s) is the tap root different from the fibrous root?

Ans: i) In tap root system, a single root grows downwards into the soil and smaller thin roots arise from it. There is one main root. Plants like, beans, rose, peepal etc. have tap roots.

ii) In Fibrous roots, many roots arise from the base of the stem. There is no main root. Grasses and cereals have fibrous roots.

2.      3.  State the two main functions of roots.

Ans: The two main functions of roots are,

i)   Absorption:- Roots absorb water and minerals from the soil.

ii) Fixation:- Roots fixes the plant in the soil and holds it upright in the soil.

3.      4. In what ways are the roots of banyan tree and maize ‘special’?

Ans: The roots of banyan tree and maize are special, as they,

i)   Provide extra support to the plant.

                ii) Help the plant in breathing.

Monday 27 July 2020


1.      Name the common, green part of the plant.

Ans: The common, green part of the plant is the “leaf”.

2.      What does a leaf do for the plant?

Ans: The leaf makes food for the plant.

3.      To what use were some leaves put by saints in olden days?

Ans: Saints in olden days used some leaves to write.

4.      In which part of India, banana leaves are often used as plates?

Ans: In southern parts of India, banana leaves are often used as plates for eating food.

5.      Name the plant which is often grown in the courtyard.

Ans: The plant which is often grown in the courtyard is tulsi.

6.      What is the other name of ‘Tulsi’?

Ans: The other name for Tulsi leaf is ‘Basil’.

7.      “People often use Tulsi leaves while making tea.” Why?

Ans: Tulsi leaves help to cure cough and cold. So, people often use Tulsi leaves while making tea.

8.      Write two uses of Neem leaf.

Ans: i) Neem leaves help to protect clothes and other items from insects.

ii) Neem leaves are also used for their medicinal purposes.

9.      State two uses of leaves in our food.

Ans: i) Leaves of some plants are used to make food look nice and attractive.

ii) Leaves also add aroma to the leaves.

10.  Name the leaves which are used to garnish food.

Ans: The leaves which are used to garnish our food are, coriander (dhania), mint (pudina) and curry leaves.

11.  How are curry leaves helpful for us?

Ans: Curry leaves are good for eye-sight and help to cure diarrhoea.

12.  Name some leaves which are used as vegetables.

Ans: The leaves which are used as vegetables are, spinach, mustard, fenugreek (methi) and cabbage.

13.  Why do plants shed their leaves?

Ans: i) When the leaves become old, the plants shed them off.

ii) When the leaves are not able to perform their function well, they are shed off.

iii) When more harmful wastes get collected in the leaves, they are shed off.

14.  How shedding of leaves is helpful for the plants?

Ans: The shedding of leaves help the plant to throw out the harmful wastes that get collected in old leaves. Leaves come up in place of old leaves.

15.  How can compost be made?

Ans: i) Collect the fallen leaves and kitchen waste.

ii) Dump them in a pit and cover it with moist soil.

iii) After two or three months, it becomes compost.

16.  Where the compost be used?

Ans: Compost can be used in the fields.

17.  How is compost useful for plants and crops?

Ans: Compost helps the plants and crops to grow better.

18.  Why we should not burn the fallen leaves?

Ans: i) Fallen leaves can be used to make compost.

ii) Also, burning of leaves is harmful for our environment.

So, we should not burn the fallen leaves.

19.  State the different uses of leaves.

Ans: i) Leaves can be used for writing purposes.

ii) Banana leaves can be used as plates.

iii) Leaves like Neem and Tulsi can be used for medicinal purposes.

iv) Leaves of coriander (dhania), mint (pudina) and curry leaves are used to garnish food items and to add aroma.

v) The leaves of spinach, mustard, fenugreek (methi) and cabbage are used as vegetables.

vi) Compost can be made using fallen leaves.

20.  Name two articles where one can find leaf designs.

Ans: We find leaf designs in curtains, saree borders, temple carvings, paintings etc.

21.  List the other names of dhania, pudina, tulsi and methi.

Common name of leaves

Their other names











1.      _______ is a colourful and beautiful part of a plant.

Ans: Flower

2.      Name some flowers which do not have attractive colours but have fragrance.

Ans: Champa, motia, chameli, are some flowers that do not have attractive colours but have fragrance.

3.      A flower develops from a ______.

Ans: Bud

4.      The bud of a plant is generally covered with ______.

Ans: green leaves

5.      What is the function of green leaves around the bud?

(OR) How do green leaves help a bud?

Ans: The green leaves protect the bud and help it to bloom into a flower.

6.      State two differences between a bud and a flower.




It is the primary stage of the flower.

Flower is the part of the plant that usually grows into fruit.

Floral bud is the flower before it has opened. The petals remain folded together, covered by a green protective covering,

Flower develops from the bud. When bud opens and spreads its petals, it becomes flower.

Buds are generally green in colour.

It contains petals, which may have different attractive colours.

7.      What are the different shapes of the flowers?

Ans: Flowers may have bell shape, plate shape, bowl shape, brush shape etc.

8.      Flowers make ______.

Ans: Fruits

9.      Most of the fruits bear _____.

Ans: Seeds

10.  _______ grows into plants.

Ans: Seeds

11.  What do you understand by ‘seasonal flowers’? Give two examples of seasonal flowers.

Ans: Those flowers that grow only in a specific season, are called seasonal flowers. Chameli and Rose are seasonal flowers.

12.  Name some flowers that are seen in summer season.

Ans: Chameli, motia, sada-bahar, china rose and lily flowers bloom in summer season.

13.  Name some flowers that are seen in winter season.

Ans: Dahlia, rose and chrysanthemum are seen in winter season.

14.  Name the smallest flower in the world.

Ans: Watermeal, or Wolffia Globosa, is the smallest flower.

15.  Name the largest flower in the world.

Ans: Rafflesia Arnoldi is the largest flower in the world.

16.  State the uses of flowers.

Ans: i) Sweet smelling flowers like rose are used for making perfumes.

ii) Some flowers like sahjan, are used as vegetables.

iii) Some flowers like arnica, cloves, are used as medicines.

iv) Flowers are also used in preparing medicines.

v) Flowers, like marigold and zenia are used for making colours.

vi) Flowers are often used for decoration purposes.

17.  Name some flowers which have pleasant smell and are used for making perfumes.

Ans: Rose, jasmine, keora and lavender, have pleasant smell and are used for making perfumes.

18.  Name some flowers which are eaten as vegetables.

Ans: Kachnar, banana and Sahjan are eaten as vegetables.

19.  Name some flowers which are used in making medicines.

Ans: Clove and arnica are used in making medicines.

20.  State the uses of rose water.

Ans: i) Rose water is used as a medicine.

ii) It is also used for adding flavour to sweets and drinks.

21.  Name some flowers which are used for making colours.

Ans: Flowers like marigold and zenia are used for making colours.

22.  Name some places where we can use flowers for decoration purpose.

Ans: Flowers can be used for decoration purposes in birthday parties, marriage functions.

23.  Define a florist.

Ans: A florist is a person who arranges and sells cut flowers. (OR) The owner of a flowershop is called a florist.

24.  List the different types of materials used by the florist for making bouquets.

Ans: The different materials used by the florist for making bouquets are, different cut flowers, a knife, rubber bands, pins, paper and ribbon.

25.  Why do people buy bouquets?

Ans: People buy bouquets for gifting someone, for wishing someone, for making someone feel good.

    26.      Why should we eat fruits?

Ans: We should eat fruits because they give nutrition to our body.

27.      What is the function of fruits?

Ans: Fruits store seeds and food in them.

28.      Name some fruits which have only one seed.

Ans: Mango, peach, and plum have only one seed.

29.      Name some fruits which have many seeds.

Ans: Lemon,papaya, orange and watermelon have many seeds.

30.      Name some fruits which do not have seeds.

Ans: Some varieties of bananas, grapes and papayas do not have seeds in their fruits.

31.      What is the function of seeds?

Ans: Seeds produce new plants.

32.      Banana has no seeds. Then, how does it reproduce?

Ans: Banana reproduces through its stem.

33.       What do you mean by seasonal fruits? Give two examples of seasonal fruits.

Ans: Those fruits that grow only in a specific season, are called seasonal fruits. Muskmelon and grapes are seasonal fruits.

34.      Name some fruits grown in summer.

Ans: Muskmelon, watermelon, mango, litchi, jamun and falsa are some fruits that are grown in summer.

35.  Name some fruits that we get in winter.

Ans: We get grapes, apples, oranges and Indian gooseberry (amla) in winter.

36.  Name any three dry fruits. Write two ways in which they are used in our daily life.

Ans: i) Cashewnuts, almonds and walnuts are some dry fruits.

ii) They are often eaten as such.

iii) They are also used in preparing various dishes.

37.  Name some fruits which are used as vegetables.

Ans: Bitter gourd (karela), gourd, Jack fruit (kathal), brinjal, okra (bhindi) and tomato are used as vegetables.

38.  Name the largest fruit in the world.

Ans: Jackfruit is the largest fruit in the world.

39.  Write two uses of fruits.

Ans: i) Some fruits like brinjal and tomato are used as vegetables.

ii) Some fruits, like mango and lemon are used for preparing pickles, chutneys.

40.  List the food preparations that can be made by using mango fruit.

Ans: Mango fruit can be used to make,

i) pickles

ii) chutney

iii) marmalades etc.