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Saturday 3 October 2020


1.      What are insects?

Ans: Tiny creatures around us are called insects.

2.      Give some examples of insects.

Ans: Houseflies, mosquitoes, butterflies, grasshoppers, beetles and bees, are some examples of insects.

3.      _______ are the largest group of animals on the earth.

Ans: Insects

4.      Give some characteristics of insects.

Ans:i) Insects do not have bones.

ii) All insects have three pairs of legs, that is, six legs in all.

iii) Many of them two pairs of membranous wings that help them to fly.

5.      Name some insects which get attracted towards fresh flowers.

Ans: Butterflies, honeybees and bumblebees, get attracted towards fresh flowers.

6.      Define pollination.

Ans: The process, of shifting of pollen grains from one place to another, is called pollination.

7.      How do insects help in pollination?

Ans: When insects sit on flowers, pollen grains stick to their legs or wings and get transferred to another place. Thus, insects help in pollination.

8.      Why are bees, ants called social insects?

Ans: Insects like bee, ants and termites live in well-organized colonies. They are called social insects.

9.      Name some useful insects.

Ans: Honeybee, silk moth, lac insect and lady bird beetle are some useful insects.

10.  Where do honeybees build their hives?

Ans: Honeybees build their hives on trees and roofs of old buildings.

11.  What is nectar?

Ans: The sweet smelling liquid of the flowers is called nectar.

12.  A beehive consists of many six-sided chambers called ______.

Ans: Combs

13.  How do honeybees make honey?

Ans: i) Honeybees suck nectar from flowers and carry it to the hive.

ii) Honeybees store the nectar in the combs of beehive.

iii) The nectar changes into honey in the combs.

14.  Where do bees store the nectar?

Ans: Bees store the nectar in the combs of beehives.

15.  How is honey collected from the beehives?

Ans:i) Honey is collected from a beehive by lighting a fire under it.

ii) The heat and smoke drives the bees out of the hive.

iii) The honey collectors then remove the hive and collect the honey stored in it.

16.   What are drones?

Ans: The male bees are called as drones.

17.  There is only one _____ in a beehive.

Ans: Queen bee

18.  Name the insect that gives us silk. What does it feed on?

Ans: Silk moth gives us silk. It feeds on mulberry leaves.

19.  How are cocoons formed?

Ans: The silk moth secretes a liquid which changes into a fine thread.

ii) The moth weaves a cover around itself with this thread. This cover is called a cocoon. Thus, a cocoon is formed.

20.  What is the difference between apiculture and sericulture?

Ans:i) Rearing or breeding of honeybees for collection of honey is called apiculture.

ii) Rearing of silkworms for getting silk is called sericulture.

21.  Lac insects usually grow on ______ trees.

Ans: Banyan trees

22.  What is lac? State its four uses.

Ans: i) The semi-solid substance secreted by lac insect is called Lac.

ii) Lac is used in paints, varnishes, printing ink, and for making bangles.

23.  How do lady bird beetles help plants?

Ans: Lady bird beetles eat a large number of pests that are harmful for plants. Thus, it protects the plants from pests.

24.  Name some harmful insects.

Ans: Houseflies, mosquitoes, head lice, bed bug, dog flea, cat flea, rats, are the harmful insects.

25.  Name the diseases that get spread by houseflies.

Ans: Houseflies spread diarrhea, cholera, jaundice, etc.

26.  Which organ gets infected in cholera disease?

Ans: Intestine gets infected in cholera disease.

27.  Which organ is infected in Jaundice?

Ans: Liver is infected in jaundice.

28.  Why should we not eat uncovered food?

Ans: We should not eat uncovered food as it is likely to have germs in it.

29.  How do houseflies spread diseases?

Ans: i) When houseflies sit on garbage or animal excreta, they gather germs on their feet and bodies.

ii) When these flies sit on any food item, the germs are passed on to the food.

iii) These disease causing germs get transmitted to the humans when they consume such infected food or water.

30.  Name the diseases that are spread by mosquitoes.

Ans: Mosquitoes spread malaria and dengue.

31.  Name the mosquito that spreads malaria.

Ans: Female Anopheles mosquito

32.  Name the mosquito that spreads dengue.

Ans: Aedes mosquito 

33.  How do mosquitoes spread diseases?

Ans:i) When a mosquito bites a sick person, it sucks the infected blood.

ii) When this mosquito bites a healthy person, it transfers the germs of the disease into the blood of that person.

Thus, the mosquitoes spread diseases.

34.  What are fleas?

Ans: Some blood sucking insects are wingless. Such insects are known as fleas.

35.  What causes Bubonic plague?

Ans: Fleas, found on rodents like rats, can spread Bubonic plague.

36.  Name some stinging insects.

Ans: Bee and wasp are stinging insects.

37.  How many legs does a spider have?

Ans: A spider has eight legs.

38.  How a spider is different from an insect?

Ans: A spider has eight legs whereas insects have six legs only.

39.  How does a spider make its web?

Ans: A spider secretes a liquid from its mouth, which changes into a very thin thread, when it comes in contact with air.

40.  How can we save ourselves from harmful insects?

Ans: i) We should maintain cleanliness and hygiene.

ii) We can get rid of harmful insects by using natural methods, or by using chemicals, called insecticides or pesticides.

iii) We often keep dried neem leaves in clothes or apply neem or kerosene oil on wooden furniture. This helps to save them from harmful insects.

iv) Farmers, sometimes, use pesticides, for saving their crops.

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