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Monday 1 February 2021


 1.      Why the living things need food?

Ans:i) Living things need food to live, grow and remain healthy.

ii) Food also gives us energy to do work.

2.      Name the two sources of our food.

Ans: The two sources of our food are, plants and animals.

3.      Who is a vegetarian?

Ans: The person who eats only plant products like vegetables, fruits and milk (animal product) is called a vegetarian.

4.      Who is a non-vegetarian?

Ans: The person who loves to eat fish, meat, chicken, eggs, is called as non-vegetarian.

5.      Which one is better- to be a vegetarian or nonvegetarian.

Ans: It is always better to be a vegetarian.

6.       Name the parts of plants which are used as food.

Ans: We eat seeds, fruits, roots, stems, leaves of the plants.

7.      Name the plants whose seeds are taken as food.

Ans: Seeds of Wheat plant, Rice plant, Corn plant, maize plant, are taken as food.

8.      How wheat flour is obtained?

Ans: Wheat flour is obtained by grinding the seeds (grains) of wheat.

9.      Name the food items prepared from wheat flour.

Ans: Chappatis and bread, are prepared from wheat flour.

10.  Name the food products obtained from the seeds of wheat.

Ans: We obtain wheat flour, Dalia, sooji (rawa) and maida, from the seeds of wheat.

11.  How are dosas and idlis prepared?

Ans: Dosas and idlis are prepared from a paste of ground rice and dal.

12.  Name some cereals.

Ans: Wheat, rice and corn are some of the cereals.

13.  How do cereals help us?

Ans: Cereals give us energy to do work.

14.  Name some pulses.

Ans: Different kinds of dal, peas, grams, are the pulses.

15.  Why should we eat pulses?

Ans: We should eat pulses, as they help us to grow.

16.  The seeds which are generally eaten raw, are the ______.

Ans: Nuts

17.  Name some nuts.

Ans: Peanuts, walnuts, cashewnuts and almonds are some nuts.

18.  Why do we need to eat nuts?

Ans: Nuts can provide a lot of energy to us and keep our body warm. So, we should eat nuts.

19.  What are green vegetables?

Ans: Leaves, which are cooked and taken as food, are called green vegetables.

20.  Name some leaves which are cooked before eating.

Ans: Spinach, fenugreek (methi), cabbage and mustard are cooked before eating.

21.  Name the leaves which are used for garnishing and flavouring our food.

Ans: Leaves of coriander, mint and curry plant are used for garnishing and flavouring our food.

22.  Why are leaves important for us?

Ans: Leaves protect us from diseases. So, they are important for us.

23.  Name the stems which are used as food.

Ans: Potato, onion, ginger and stem of lotus (kamal kakri) are taken as food.

24.  Potato is an ________ stem.

Ans: Potato is an underground stem.

25.  Name the roots which are eaten as food.

Ans: The roots which are taken as food are, carrot, radish, turnip and beetroot.

26.  Name some sweet and juicy fruits. (OR)  Name some fruits which are eaten raw.

Ans: Mangoes, oranges, grapes, muskmelons and watermelons are some juicy fruits which are eaten raw.

27.  Name some fruits which are eaten as vegetables (after cooking).

Ans: Brinjal, ladyfinger are eaten after cooking as vegetables.

28.  Name the fruit which can be eaten raw as well as cooked.

Ans: Tomatoes

29.   Why are green vegetables and fruits important for us?

Ans:i) Green vegetables protect us from diseases.

ii) Fruits keep us fit and healthy. They also protect us from diseases.

So, green vegetables and fruits are important for us.

30.  List some animal products that we eat.

Ans: Animal products like milk, eggs, meat and fish, are some of the animal products that we eat.

31.  Name the animals who give us milk.

Ans: Cow, buffalo and goat provide us milk.

32.  Name some food products where milk is used.

Ans: Curd, cheese, ice cream, kheer, etc., are the food products where milk is used.

33.  _____ is considered to be a complete food.

Ans: Milk

34.  Why is milk considered to be complete food?

(OR) Why are milk and milk products, regarded as ‘good food’ for one and all?

(OR) Why is milk important for growing children?

Ans: i) Milk is a very good source of nutrients for one and all.

ii) It helps us to grow, gives us energy and protects us from diseases.

So, it is regarded as ‘good food’ for one and all and is very important for growing children.

35.  Name the birds who give us eggs.

Ans: Poultry birds like hen, goose and duck give us eggs.

36.   List the factors on which the intake of food of different persons depend.

Ans: The factors on which intake of food depends are,

i)       Age of the person

ii)     Occupation of the person

iii)   Type of physical activity

iv)   Gender of the person

37.  Ramesh is a labour, working at the construction sites. Suresh, is a bank officer. Who do you think needs more food to eat? And why?

Ans:i) Ramesh needs more food to eat.

ii) As Ramesh is doing more physical activity than Suresh, so he needs more energy.

38.  How the food habits of a person depends on his/her age?

Ans: i) From birth, till about four months of age, small babies take milk only.

ii) When a child is nearly six months of age, he/she is given soft pieces of fruit and semi-solid foods. The child continues to take milk also.

iii)Growing children and young persons, need to eat proper amounts of a balanced diet.

iv)In old ages, people prefer easily digestible simple food.

39.  Name the food items which are included in a balanced diet?

Ans: The balanced diet include rice, vegetables, chappatis, dal, dosa, idli, uttapam, sambhar, fruits, nuts, milk and milk products.

40.  What is over eating? How it affects our body?

Ans:i) Eating too much is called over eating.

ii) Over eating makes us fat or obese.

iii)We will not be very active and healthy.

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