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Sunday 7 February 2021


 1.      In what form, early man used to eat food?

Ans: Early man used to eat food in raw form.

2.      When did human learn to cook food?

Ans: After the discovery of ‘fire’, human learnt to cook food.

3.      What are the benefits of cooking food?

Ans: i) Cooking makes food soft, tasty and easily digestible.

ii) Cooked food can be preserved for a longer time.

iii) Cooking also makes the food germ free and safe to eat.

4.      Write two benefits of eating cooked food.

Ans: i) Cooked food is free from germs. So, it is safe to eat.

ii) Cooked food is also easy to digest.

5.      What can happen to vegetables when they are over cooked?

Ans: Vegetables contain many nutrients. When vegetables are over cooked, these nutrients are destroyed.

6.      Why should we wash the fruits and vegetables before eating?

Ans: We should wash the fruits and vegetables before eating to remove dust and impurities.

7.      List the different methods of cooking.

Ans: The different methods of cooking are,

i)       Boiling

ii)     Steaming

iii)   Baking

iv)   Frying

v)     Direct heating

8.      Name the methods of cooking which require water.

Ans: Boiling and steaming require water.

9.      Name some food items which are prepared by boiling.

Ans: Pulses, eggs, can be cooked by boiling. Milk is also boiled before consuming.

10.  Name the device/ utensil which is often used for boiling.

Ans: Pressure cooker is often used for boiling.

11.  How can you prepare dal?

Ans: i) First boil the seeds of particular plants.

ii) Add some spices to them, before eating.

12.  Which utensil is used for boiling eggs?

Ans: A metal bowl can be used for boiling eggs.

13.  Why should we boil milk before consuming?

Ans: i) Boiling kills germs that can spoil the milk.

ii) Boiling helps to preserve milk for a longer time.

So, we should boil milk before consuming.

14.  How steam is obtained?

Ans: Steam is obtained by boiling water.

15.  Name two food items which are prepared by the process of steaming.

Ans: Foods, like idli and dhokla, are prepared by the method of cooking.

16.  Write the benefits of steaming.

Ans: i) Steaming shortens the duration of cooking.

ii) Steaming helps to conserve the nutritive value of the food.

iii) Steam cooked food is also easy to digest.

17.  Name the vessel (utensil) used for steaming purpose.

Ans: A deep vessel or a steamer is used for steaming purpose.

18.  Define ‘baking’.

Ans: Indirect heating, with or without using oil, is known as baking.

19.  Name the food items prepared by baking.

Ans: Cakes, biscuits and breads are made by baking.

20.  How is baking done?

Ans: i) Baking is done by indirect heating, with or without using oil.

ii) It is mainly done in an oven.

21.  How are pakodas and jalebis prepared?

Ans: Pakodas and Jalebis are prepared by frying their ingredients in hot oil.

22.  Differentiate between boiling and frying.




It requires water.

It requires oil.

It is a healthy method of cooking food.

It is not a very healthy method of cooking food.

23.  Why it is advised to avoid fried food?

Ans: Fried food contains too much oil, which is not good for our health. So, it is advised to avoid fried food.

24.  Name the oldest method of cooking known to man.

Ans: ‘Direct heating’ is the oldest method of cooking food.

25.  Name the food item which is made by the direct heating method.

Ans: Chappatis are usually made by the direct heating method.

26.  Direct heating is done by keeping the food over _____.

Ans: Fire or Flame.

27.  Which utensil is used for making chappatis?

Ans: A griddle (tawa) is used for making chappatis.

28.  What are utensils?

Ans: Utensils are the containers that may be used for cooking or storing food.

29.  List some utensils used for cooking.

Ans: Some utensils are, pressure cooker, metal bowl, griddle (tawa), etc.


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